Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Good morning from a small hotel room in Leeds. From what very little I can see from the window it appears to be a bright and sunny morning. Time for a shower and then off into the city centre to forage for coffee and breakfast.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Another clear cold morning.
Thermometer indicates that it is colder than yesterday and I notice people having to wait till their cars get deiced before driving to work. I really need to get the outside water tap isolated as it is behind the house which always seems colder than the front which faces south.
Sun shining in my front windows just now should also help to warm the interior a bit.
Nothing planned but may have a walk later so long as my front path is not slippy. I do have a bucket of road salt to scatter which helps.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Parental's moisturizer pinched.

Blended the soup. My stick blender is on its last legs - the motor is getting rather hot when I use it and the internal gears are making some rather odd grinding noises. Can't complain, it's been in regular use for around 30 years...

Anyways, it's just about time to feed the cat, and then it will be time to feed me.

Hate to think what has got past the seals & inside.

Nah, it's a sealed unit - like so many kitchen doodads are, unfortunately.

You need a spudger
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