Mundane News

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Good morning from a bright, sunny and bitterly cold Suffolk. Just finished the first mug of coffee of the day with breakfast to follow shortly.

Off out in an hour's time to catch the train to head off to the land of strange types carrying scythes and cycling mad university tutors for the last away day of the year - Sleaford Mods at the O2 Academy. Whether I'll get there at the planned time is another matter due to reported track defects & cancellations on the line between Ely & Peterborough. I wonder if @Reynard does taxi services?

I do, but needs to be pre-booked... ;)
yeah good point, this year, she ordered a smaller bird, only 10lbs

That's still pushing 5kgs, which is the weight of a good-sized domestic cat.

Not that I'd advocate roasting a cat, but Madam Lexi is currently well on the way to doing that to herself anyway, as she has stretched herself out *under* the radiator in the dining room.

Bonefish Blues

Banging donk
52 Festive Road
That's still pushing 5kgs, which is the weight of a good-sized domestic cat.

Not that I'd advocate roasting a cat, but Madam Lexi is currently well on the way to doing that to herself anyway, as she has stretched herself out *under* the radiator in the dining room.
There is no size of domestic cat that may be described as good I'm afraid. I'm allergic to the lot of 'em. Although tbf, I've never been in close proximity to a roasted one, so it might be a small step forward :whistle:


Vice Admiral
There is no size of domestic cat that may be described as good I'm afraid. I'm allergic to the lot of 'em. Although tbf, I've never been in close proximity to a roasted one, so it might be a small step forward :whistle:

So you keep well away when my cats are outside then? ^_^

It would be difficult for me to keep them out of your garden.
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Vice Admiral
I think I will be cooking a beef casserole with dumplings on Christmas Eve and possibly gammon (unsmoked) steaks on the day itself. Dessert will be treacle sponge and custard. Or treacle mountain as my Brother described it when I made one for him.

Is it me or has the price of medium size Christmas puds gone sky high? I guess the supermarkets might be escalating the price knowing that peeps will purchase them regardless. I do not like them enough to pay over the odds.

The menu needs to be kept simple, as it is just me doing all the cooking.


I think I will be cooking a beef casserole with dumplings on Christmas Eve and possibly gammon (unsmoked) steaks on the day itself. Dessert will be treacle sponge and custard. Or treacle mountain as my Brother described it when I made one for him.

Is it me or has the price of medium size Christmas puds gone sky high? I guess the supermarkets might be escalating the price knowing that peeps will purchase them regardless. I do not like them enough to pay over the odds.

The menu needs to be kept simple, as it is just me doing all the cooking.

i make my own puddings as only me likes them. Though I do bag a few when shops sell them off after Christmas too.


Legendary Member
Blood has been let.. 💉
Yours I hope.


Vice Admiral
I have just bought a snow man. :snowball:

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