Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Took the trike out for an off road run down towards Ardmore Point. Did not go too far down as I wanted to test the hill coming back up before venturing too far.
In any case my fingers were beginning to suffer so stopped with a view over towards Ardnamurchan but since the return climb was not too bad I will go in the other direction next time. The problem at this time of year is that a lot of theoroad or track is in shadow so pretty cold just now tho’ no ice to be seen.
A photo should be attached of Ardnamurchan peninsula.

Since I have no current library books I have been ferreting in my own shelves. Came on Richard Ballantine’s New Bicycle Book with lots of nice pictures so here is one of @Reynard I found.



Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Missed on first try.



I think I will be cooking a beef casserole with dumplings on Christmas Eve and possibly gammon (unsmoked) steaks on the day itself. Dessert will be treacle sponge and custard. Or treacle mountain as my Brother described it when I made one for him.

Is it me or has the price of medium size Christmas puds gone sky high? I guess the supermarkets might be escalating the price knowing that peeps will purchase them regardless. I do not like them enough to pay over the odds.

The menu needs to be kept simple, as it is just me doing all the cooking.
What time do you want us round.i might be able to get a good deal on a twenty seater crew bus.Oh and we can bring our own chairs if it helps with seating.
Had a lovely luncheon of rye sourdough bread with salami Milano and some vintage cheddar, plus an apple, a pear and two :cuppa:

Then off to saw logs. I actually ended up sawing the entire trailer load, so tomorrow's task will be to go and fill up the trailer again. I have a whole case of sawdust that I've swept up from assorted log sawings, but that's got to wait till Thursday to be wanged in the green wheelie bin, as there's currently no more room in it. I also split a case of logs - what I brought in is quite chunky and a bit too big to go onto the fire as is.

Log bins in the house all topped up and am now bum parked with a :cuppa: and keeping an eye on a Bay of E auction for a gift for the parental, either for birthday or Christmas. I've got one already, but this will fill the other empty slot.
There is no size of domestic cat that may be described as good I'm afraid. I'm allergic to the lot of 'em. Although tbf, I've never been in close proximity to a roasted one, so it might be a small step forward :whistle:

That'll be proteins in the saliva that you're allergic to. So doesn't matter how much or how little hair a cat actually has LOL. I'm also allergic to cats, but that's one of the reasons I take half an anti-histamine tablet every morning. Although I've largely become de-sensitized over the years.

How would you like Madam Lexi served? Stuffed? With cranberry sauce? Red wine gravy? ;)
Is it me or has the price of medium size Christmas puds gone sky high? I guess the supermarkets might be escalating the price knowing that peeps will purchase them regardless. I do not like them enough to pay over the odds.

Yes, they have gone up quite markedly this year - about a 50% increase in the price. I keep an eye out on clubcard offers as well as buying up in the post-hols clearance. They do keep very well from year to year, and I'll give them a bit of a boost the night before with some cold black tea and a splooshette of armagnac.

Why armagnac? Cos that's the bottle that's currently open. It gets trotted out once a year to do the pudding LOL!
What are you doing for quite a few days in February? :laugh:

No major holdup thankfully, so made the scheduled Leeds train and now planning on which of the cheapie Wetherspoon's to go to for lunch and what to have when I get there

If you ever get stuck and there's no other alternative, give me a yell.

Bonefish Blues

Banging donk
52 Festive Road
That'll be proteins in the saliva that you're allergic to. So doesn't matter how much or how little hair a cat actually has LOL. I'm also allergic to cats, but that's one of the reasons I take half an anti-histamine tablet every morning. Although I've largely become de-sensitized over the years.

How would you like Madam Lexi served? Stuffed? With cranberry sauce? Red wine gravy? ;)

Furry well done please ^_^


Remind me never to book an Easy Hotel ever again. A room smaller than the usual Travelodge/Premier Inn/Ibis I can take, but the lack of a kettle...

How can I cope without the caffeine hit tomorrow morning?
Edinburgh in May for us.Airbnb Friday to Monday morning after breakfast leave time,cheaper than two night stay in a Prem Inn,a no brainer.Plus we can relax better in a house rather than a room or bar.


First day in the office on the second floor. Advantages (due to being built into the hillside) no stairs to heave a heavy rucksack up and no use of the pass necessary to exit
Downside, bar the lack of a locker meaning an even heavier rucksack, was a freezing meeting room right on the centre of the floor.
Also weirdly had a request for a metre reading which turned out to be the electric only. In door display working fine so puzzled how have they got a gas reading but not the electric.
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