Mundane News

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Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
This morning a magpie perched on the uppermost branch of the tree outside and faced the setting moon. From this, I discounted the magpie moonwatch theory and decided that the breeze was coming from the northwest. They're pretty reliable weathervanes.

Anyhow, laundry in the tumble dryer. 2nd coffee just started.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Another nice clear day but got wakened by flashing lights going past at about 0600. Gritting lorry out for first time this year.
Looking at the outside thermometer it shows just over 2C so not frosty.
No snow to be seen on the highest mountains I can see.
The moon still shining in my kitchen window but moved a bit further north than yesterday and looks smaller.

The number of Christmas Fayres is getting a bit ridiculous. It seems to be the fashionable thing to do this year.
Just for the record I have no intention of having turkey or indeed anything out of the ordinary for Christmas.
The whole thing is way over the top and I will be at home anyway.
The New Year celebrations which brought the whole town together around the town clock have been taken over by the switching on of fancy lights along the Main St.
Bah humbug.


Legendary Member
Good morning from a bright, sunny and bitterly cold Suffolk. Just finished the first mug of coffee of the day with breakfast to follow shortly.

Off out in an hour's time to catch the train to head off to the land of strange types carrying scythes and cycling mad university tutors for the last away day of the year - Sleaford Mods at the O2 Academy. Whether I'll get there at the planned time is another matter due to reported track defects & cancellations on the line between Ely & Peterborough. I wonder if @Reynard does taxi services?


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Blood has been let.. 💉


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
After 2 days on the trot eating pasta this just popped up.
There's actually a surprising amount of meat on a turkey, and people always seem to have this tendency to get a bigger bird than they really need. Which they don't do when it comes to buying a chicken. Here at Christmas you always hear the stories about turkeys that don't fit into ovens and still eating the leftovers at New Year! LOL

IIRC this was a relatively small free range bird that I picked up half price on yellow sticker. Between the leg meat, the wing meat, the stuffing and the bacon, I've got a 2lb rolled joint. That'll be good for two lots of main meals for the parental and I, plus a raft of sandwiches. :hungry:

yeah good point, this year, she ordered a smaller bird, only 10lbs
Bright, sunny and cold here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept well, but my head is feeling rather stuffed this morning, my nose is dribbly and my lips are very dry. Headcold brewing, methinks. Anyways, I have had a kitchen morning, and there is now a nice pot of cauliflower soup simmering away on the hob. I made it using the stock from the turkey bones.

I'm currently watching a bit of snooker as Ronnie O'Sullivan is playing.

The forecast keeps changing with respect to precipitation. It now looks largely dry for the rest of the week, so I shall be spending the afternoon sawing up firewood. I'd like to get the trailer empty by tomorrow evening. Thursday is spoken for To Do Other Things, but then on Friday I can bring in another trailer of wood.

Anyways, it is time for luncheon.
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