Mundane News

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Leg End Member
At work. The Kandel mountain (1,241.4 m (4,073 ft)) has it's first snow today.
Why have you a mountain at work. Couldn't you have started with something smaller, a molehill perhaps.


Finally made it out for a dog walk late morning then quick turn around and off to town.
Last day for our M&S so every thing left was 30% off. I was planning my normal early morning trip to town but the weather put pay to that.
So i'd missed out on some handy buys but still bagged a good selection of fresh most will freeze. The rest has a good date so will get used. Like the all butter puff pastry which will go nicely with the bargain currants for some home made eccles cakes.

Even though I was late still made a good start on the fresh Christmas stuff inc, most of the cheese for Christmas which will keep just fine. My posh sausage rolls that will freeze nicely that go well with cold left overs, they are on 3 for offer. Unlike most of the headless chickens throwing lord know what in baskets. Missed the small print which said discount was on top of current offers so extra £3 off on top.

The levelheaded ones spotted the best worth it bargains and left the rest to get on with with the bun fight. They may think they have money but they are clueless at what you can and can't freeze. So all in all 2 nice bag loads for less than £30


A touch of Christmas food shopping in Sainsbury's with Brandy Sauce bought as part of what would have been an over £50 shop, but thanks to Nectar £7.60 off plus 1522 points equalling £7.61 back in the future. Rather crazily they are giving 1000 points out for every 500 earnt whilst still giving stacks of bonus points out on special products. 480 bonus points tonight plus the 42 for the actual spend triggered the extra £5 worth.


so got the specs sorted.i needed stronger lenses or actually just one,i am blind in one to save money because this frame is only fifteen months old,new lenses in original frame saving over sixty quid.then an idea from the staff,reading glasses for the books,chromebook and kindle.How much forty nine quid will get you a nice frame and lenses,go on manually added up on her calculator £181-50 two pair specs £59 for the sunshine cover stuff and includes £39 for glazing in to own frames.So then the computer does all the paper work and it coughs up a cost of £211-50,WHAT how is that,it's the reading glasses,it can't take anything off,well i can i don't want them then.Now it's £162-50 thank you very much happy with that.Oh and the blurred vision coming and going is the cataract getting larger going to keep an eye on that.


There's actually a surprising amount of meat on a turkey, and people always seem to have this tendency to get a bigger bird than they really need. Which they don't do when it comes to buying a chicken. Here at Christmas you always hear the stories about turkeys that don't fit into ovens and still eating the leftovers at New Year! LOL

IIRC this was a relatively small free range bird that I picked up half price on yellow sticker. Between the leg meat, the wing meat, the stuffing and the bacon, I've got a 2lb rolled joint. That'll be good for two lots of main meals for the parental and I, plus a raft of sandwiches. :hungry:

You see it every year people standing around with other half's trying to work out if this one or that one will be big enough. Most are clueless and panic it's easy to make stretch out if you need to. Not sure much gets used past the main meal given the well fed bins you see after Christmas.
We go for a boneless turkey crown being just us 2 we normally order a 6lb one , I cut a good sized piece of the end and freeze it for some time in new year. Either as a small joint or some hot and cold sandwiches. The rest sees us over Christmas along with what's left of a nice sized ham I get from butchers which I roast for hot roast sandwiches Christmas eve.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
Just seen an Ark sail past


You see it every year people standing around with other half's trying to work out if this one or that one will be big enough. Most are clueless and panic it's easy to make stretch out if you need to. Not sure much gets used past the main meal given the well fed bins you see after Christmas.
We go for a boneless turkey crown being just us 2 we normally order a 6lb one , I cut a good sized piece of the end and freeze it for some time in new year. Either as a small joint or some hot and cold sandwiches. The rest sees us over Christmas along with what's left of a nice sized ham I get from butchers which I roast for hot roast sandwiches Christmas eve.
sounds wonderful,for me we have to have a Pork Pie,pickled onions cheese and pickled red cabbage,for tea afterwards.


i nipped in to a local pound shop today looking for a stylus pen as my fingers are like sausages.And i get fed up of going back retyping.But i could not find one.but what i did find was a lovely battery operated Xmas lantern with etched glass,with the words joy.Well i am going to buy three for xmas pressies they are quite big they look really each to my family,because they bring me joy always,and i have caused so much upset these last three months with this cancer,plus in years to come if i don't get through this i will be with them always at Xmas through the lantern.Mind you i feel fantastic,happy positive upbeat and all round well.
The levelheaded ones spotted the best worth it bargains and left the rest to get on with with the bun fight. They may think they have money but they are clueless at what you can and can't freeze. So all in all 2 nice bag loads for less than £30

You see that a lot when yellow stickering. Us regulars know what to take, while the opportunists will generally grab whatever they can get their mitts on.
You see it every year people standing around with other half's trying to work out if this one or that one will be big enough. Most are clueless and panic it's easy to make stretch out if you need to. Not sure much gets used past the main meal given the well fed bins you see after Christmas.
We go for a boneless turkey crown being just us 2 we normally order a 6lb one , I cut a good sized piece of the end and freeze it for some time in new year. Either as a small joint or some hot and cold sandwiches. The rest sees us over Christmas along with what's left of a nice sized ham I get from butchers which I roast for hot roast sandwiches Christmas eve.

Yeah, you do, don't you. So much food ends up in the bin over the hols because people over-estimate how much they need / can use. I actually prefer a really *good* organic free range chicken over turkey if I'm paying full price, as it's more sensibly-sized.

Although we're not a "must have turkey for Christmas" household, any really nice joint or bird (that will also serve for cold cuts) will do. Our main celebration is on Christmas Eve anyways with Wigilia, but even then, we don't go bananas in terms of quantity. Mind, I love pickled herrings in cream sauce, seafood and smoked fish (various), so any leftovers don't last long.

Plus there's always a nice assortment of cheeses, charcuterie, sausage rolls and a giant pork pie as well. I don't do much in the way of cooking the week between Christmas and New Year - meals largely tend to be a raid-the-fridge-and clap-it-between-two-slices-of-bread job.
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