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Firm and Fruity

We have nearly finished the jar of dried basil.
Best Before May 2000, which is interesting because I only met my wife in 2001.
So this jar of basil predates our relationship and has followed us through numerous house moves.
Anyways, it is time for luncheon. No Breen here alas, @Andy in Germany

Everywhere in the galaxy, except Cambridgeshire.
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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Sunny day but when I went for a walk there was a bitterly cold northerly wind.
In contrast to the crowds on Saturday there was only one other person seen today. Should really have taken the trike as the wind would have been against me going downhill but giving a nice push back up again.
They do say there is little wind resistance on recumbents but the trikes must be different as even being reasonably laid back there is still a noticeable wind resistance or assistance.
This was part of a regular MB circuit but not possible on a trike as there is a locked gate with a narrow passage for a bike but not for a trike.
Got my ferry bookings and mentioned the obstruction caused by the cafe on the pier.
“I am keeping an eye on them and they are not getting off with that” says Michelle who regards the pier as her domain. She used to be barmaid in the Mishnish which could get a bit rowdy on a Friday night and was well used to keeping reasonable order.
I remember Barbara our Head Girl who was at one point a barmaid in a rather upmarket bar who got a punter who was getting a bit rowdy by the ear and twisting it as she forcibly ejected him.
“I will not have that sort of behaviour in My Bar” got a round of applause.
I did subsequently work with her peaceably for 10 years.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
I've de-crumbed my toaster.
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We have nearly finished the jar of dried basil.
Best Before May 2000, which is interesting because I only met my wife in 2001.
So this jar of basil predates our relationship and has followed us through numerous house moves.

better not chuck it; it's good luck! throw it in the back of the cupboard, where no one can find it
Had a lovely luncheon of rye sourdough bread with Polish sausage and some vintage cheddar, plus one of the few New Rock Pippin apples I managed to find in the community orchard (a poor crop this year), a conference pear and two :cuppa:

Stocked up all the wood bins in the house, and then had a kitchen afternoon. Deboned the turkey leg and wing that I'd taken from the freezer, made some sage & onion stuffing, rolled the meat around the stuffing and then rolled the whole shebang in bacon. I had to string the joint to keep everything together. That'll want going in the oven shortly. Which reminds, I'd better put the oven on to preheat.

Madam Lexi got her share of the turkey, and her dish has been licked clean!

I've also turned the bones into a bit of stock. That'll get used up tomorrow when I make a fresh pot of soup. And I've washed up.

Am now sat down by the fire with a :cuppa:
Wifey made a "turkey pot pie" for dinner last night. we're getting out money's worth out of that bird. I seem to remember her making turkey soup the day after Thanksgiving. but it hasn't been served yet. maybe tonight?

There's actually a surprising amount of meat on a turkey, and people always seem to have this tendency to get a bigger bird than they really need. Which they don't do when it comes to buying a chicken. Here at Christmas you always hear the stories about turkeys that don't fit into ovens and still eating the leftovers at New Year! LOL

IIRC this was a relatively small free range bird that I picked up half price on yellow sticker. Between the leg meat, the wing meat, the stuffing and the bacon, I've got a 2lb rolled joint. That'll be good for two lots of main meals for the parental and I, plus a raft of sandwiches. :hungry:
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