Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Lovely clear morning.
What looked like a full moon shining straight in my kitchen window when I got up.
Today down to the Calmac office to try for some ferry bookings for my next trip off.
I hope Michelle is in as it saves me a lot of hassle. She has all my details on file and even a file with copies of Blue Badges which have a long complicated number to enter into the booking form. There is also my age concession card and that is before we even start looking to see if there is ferry space for the days I would like to travel.
Tickets are also printed out for me as I distrust the phone ones. What happens if you are careless and let the battery run down?
It must happen and in addition on FB people keep losing their phones as well as keys of all sorts.


Still heavy :rain: so given the front room a pre Christmas trimmings fettle including behind the TV :eek:.
Working though my mixed music collection with the HomePod cranked up. Mostly done so calling it a day for the moment having :cuppa:.
Currently listening to the Book of Mormon and remembering happy times with Mrs 73 sat in the front row.
Surprised the devil has not melted the snow off it.

Not until April 30th.
Chilly and soggy here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept well. Had a lovely walk with a friend and her dogs this morning in spite of the weather. I've been over my head in these engineering drawings, and it's been good to give my brain a rest. That's what I was doing yesterday. None of this stuff has ever been catalogued or even identified, so there's been much looking up of things as well.

I shall be having a kitchen afternoon, as I fancy cooking a bit of a roast dinner this evening. :hungry:

Anyways, it is time for luncheon. No Breen here alas, @Andy in Germany
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