Mundane News

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Biker BoB

Well-Known Member
Yes recumbent is suitable.
Safer on single track roads IMO tho’ there are a few blind corners which can be dangerous. If possible I wait for a car to go and follow so I have a reasonable expectation of a clear road.
Warning! There are some pretty steep hills so low gearing is desirable on Mull.
Ardnamurchan is similar with a killer hill on the road to the lighthouse plus a lot of short nasties towards Strontian .
At least one rear view mirror is essential to allow slowing in ( or opposite) a passing place to let following traffic overtake. Keep left unless for a very large vehicle.
There was an idiot a few years ago who would not stop in a passing place and had over 20 vehicles behind him. He was eventually forced to pull over by a public spirited motorcyclist and was last seen shaking his fist at all the passing traffic. I remember he was a TV producer.
I'll put the trike and the battery bike in looking at that reply 😊
I can't stand the smell of curry.

Yer supposed to eat it, not snort it.
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Biker BoB

Well-Known Member
Specsavers work Sundays,Well they do in 'Edingley Leeds.I am having bad blurred vision and seeing ( get that pun) as i only have one eye.I thought i should go see if treatment is causing problems,or am i just getting old and the eye just getting tired.So on the chromebook.i did an online booking,then a medical history including this chemo.Well blow me they phoned from 'Edingley and sorted a longer appointment so they could put down all the new meds.11-00 tomorrow for an 11-20 appointment.Who would think Opticians working seven days a week.
Wait till you see the bill. .... .. .... ... 🧐


ostman said:
Specsavers work Sundays,Well they do in 'Edingley Leeds.I am having bad blurred vision and seeing ( get that pun) as i only have one eye.I thought i should go see if treatment is causing problems,or am i just getting old and the eye just getting tired.So on the chromebook.i did an online booking,then a medical history including this chemo.Well blow me they phoned from 'Edingley and sorted a longer appointment so they could put down all the new meds.11-00 tomorrow for an 11-20 appointment.Who would think Opticians working seven days a week.
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