Mundane News

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Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
0C and an inch or so of snow here, snow still falling...
Lunch today:


As eaten all over the galaxy:



Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
A dull day in all respects and now turned drizzly as forecast.
Not too cold but we do benefit from the North Atlantic Drift which is an offshoot of the Gulf Stream.
Mind you when diving off the west coast of Mull in winter it can get down to 3 or 4 degrees C in the water and even with dry suits that feels cold.
Calmac did manage to get the ferry fixed at Lochaline earlier than expected and ran a shuttle service to clear the backlog. They were going to pinch the Kilchoan boat but in the end not needed.
I fancy taking the trike over there for a trip to the Ardnamurchan lighthouse but frightened the ferry back could be off and that would leave me stranded. Not an area to be stranded in. Strange people but I better not elaborate. Trike in car I think for a 70 plus miles trip home.

Biker BoB

Well-Known Member
A dull day in all respects and now turned drizzly as forecast.
Not too cold but we do benefit from the North Atlantic Drift which is an offshoot of the Gulf Stream.
Mind you when diving off the west coast of Mull in winter it can get down to 3 or 4 degrees C in the water and even with dry suits that feels cold.
Calmac did manage to get the ferry fixed at Lochaline earlier than expected and ran a shuttle service to clear the backlog. They were going to pinch the Kilchoan boat but in the end not needed.
I fancy taking the trike over there for a trip to the Ardnamurchan lighthouse but frightened the ferry back could be off and that would leave me stranded. Not an area to be stranded in. Strange people but I better not elaborate. Trike in car I think for a 70 plus miles trip home.
Im tempted for a summer trip up there next year. Is the recumbent suitable?


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Im tempted for a summer trip up there next year. Is the recumbent suitable?

Yes recumbent is suitable.
Safer on single track roads IMO tho’ there are a few blind corners which can be dangerous. If possible I wait for a car to go and follow so I have a reasonable expectation of a clear road.
Warning! There are some pretty steep hills so low gearing is desirable on Mull.
Ardnamurchan is similar with a killer hill on the road to the lighthouse plus a lot of short nasties towards Strontian .
At least one rear view mirror is essential to allow slowing in ( or opposite) a passing place to let following traffic overtake. Keep left unless for a very large vehicle.
There was an idiot on a recumbent trike a few years ago who would not stop in any passing place and had over 20 vehicles behind him. He was eventually forced to pull over by a public spirited motorcyclist and was last seen shaking his fist at all the passing traffic. I remember he was a TV producer.
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