Mundane News

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Biker BoB

Well-Known Member
A bit frosty this morning.:cold:
Rain on rain here ......🙄
It is cold grey and wet here.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Overcast but dry with practically no wind.
Not frosty here but reports from inland of freezing drizzle from Dalmally to Tyndrum.
The road rises here and in the past I have had some decidedly hairy journeys on that section. On one occasion I did a full 360 degree spin downhill bouncing off the snow banks on either side. This was in the VW van with a full load in first gear with no braking as I knew it was dodgy. Fortunately nothing was coming uphill and at the bottom of the hill the road cleared.

Lochaline/Fishnish ferry has got a "tech issue" and sailings are cancelled with a review at 1500. This is a normally reliable service but I was always concerned and at the junction with the Oban road at Tyndrum I usually phoned to check it was running at that time. It is a long way to go just to return or get stuck in Lochaline.

Time for coffee and consider the rest of the day's activities.

Biker BoB

Well-Known Member
Good morning from a cold and overcast Suffolk. I have no idea how cold it is as the outdoor sensor is still not reading correctly, but by how much I don't know. Earlier this morning it showed -13.7 degrees Centigrade :laugh:

Need to pop out later and get some milk.
It's like the holocaust here at -13.7c ..
Never happens thankfully, well not that can remember


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
The publicity destroys the peace tho'. How do I know?:sad:

Warn them pesky touroids with this, then!!
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