Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Sunny morning and 4.6C outside.
I will go back to the library and get a change of books this morning as the last lot I got turned out to be not very interesting when I skimmed through them at home.
Should get out on trike later but the sun is too low for safety on the road so may try an off road unless my hands freeze too much when setting off. The front tyre also needs a bit of air which will probably freeze my fingers.

Correspondence from OVO Energy which may explain some of the recent debacle. It got to me ok but the address is mangled. All the bits are there but in the wrong order. This means that a stranger ie a meter reader will probably go and read somebody else's meter about half a mile away.
I have the same problem with one mail order firm I deal with who insist the postcode given is somebody else's address.
Why can they not just put the address they were given rather than mangle it and make it nonsense?
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Biker BoB

Well-Known Member
The trail to the further away cliffs is fast today



Legendary Member
Good morning from a bright & sunny Suffolk. Looking at the trees the other side of the rail line it appears to be fairly breezy so I'll give it another cup of coffee and a very late breakfast before I go out in the hope it warms up a bit.

I need to pop up to my sister's place to drop off a parcel for my niece - as a result of John Lewis's free extended warranty and a current offer, not only does my niece get a new lamp to replace a birthday present one that stopped working after 2 1/2 years but I get a £6 refund on the original purchase cost.

Biker BoB

Well-Known Member
Blue skies and sunshine
Our predicted weather has not materialised so I went out in the grey.....


Called into town got what I needed but had to call into M&S for teabags. Thought be a quick in and out boy was I wrong the big clear the store. Has started 50% of anything not fresh or alcohol though thats 30%. So queue middle class madly filing trolleys with what what ever can find.In the mean time us more cool headed ones carefully selecting what stuff to squirrel away. Along the way spotting stuff worth having and missed by the mob. Bagged some nice premium stuff to add to the stock cupboard , a bit extra for Christmas and some treats for me for boxing day. Mrs 73 has called in to get her dad some wine so i've sent her with a list of stuff i know they still had. Lord knows what will come back.
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