Mundane News

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How much!
Light up your life indoors. £250 after knocking off £100! :ohmy:


First batch of mince pies for the year made, and even though I say it myself, I make a bloody lovely pastry,

Be a week or so for me I need to a move around in the freezer and have a day to myself. Love making pastry means I get to use my grandmothers bowl. They must be good as they don't last long and it's about the only time mother out law is impressed.


Legendary Member
I now have a bootlid that stays open and greasing the ball and socket joints where the struts fit has removed the creaking noise when I open the boot.:becool:

I hoovered out the interior and the boot and gave it an overdue wash too. It's so nice to be able to bend again without the need of a block and tackle to get upright again!


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Library was closed for no given reason so just need to try again next week.

Went to cycle on an off road track as the sun is dazzling for drivers. Car park totally full and while I could have parked on a side offshoot I could not be bothered with umpteen dog walkers so went for a road run at Glengorm. Since it is now off season for them the cafe is closed and on a dead end road much less traffic.
The estate has converted some barns to dwellings for local workers so more people live out here now.
The family who own the estate are very public spirited and the present owner was a pupil at the local primary school when my wife was a teacher. He later went off somewhere else to get “ finished” but still has local roots and married a local girl.
Nice run if a bit short distance tho’ a long hill to climb which gave some exercise.
Not my best photo but looking North from the roadway.
On the right the top of Ardnamurchan then left of that will be the end of Skye and in the centre a bit faint is Canna.

It's been a bright and sunny albeit rather chilly day here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept well after what ended up being a ridiculously late night. My brain wouldn't switch off after another session on those engineering drawings, so it was far easier to let my train of thought play out than trying to get to sleep. The net result there is that I have identified another parts sequence and pinned it to a specific job.

I had a quiet morning. The main tasks were topping up the wood bins in the house as I haven't done that since Tuesday, and then going to have a furkle in the freezer. Now that I've taken out a load of small items, I can get to the bigger things further in. There's a shoulder of lamb in there that I'd completely forgotten I had. That stayed in the freezer, but I've taken out a quarter of a free range bronze turkey. It's a leg joint, so will have to bone it out when it thaws. Will make some stuffing to roll up in that, and it will make a nice roast. And the leftovers will make lovely lunchtime sandwiches.

This afternoon was spent lumberjilling, and I now have another heaped trailer full of firewood. Glad I've done that, as the forecast for the coming week keeps changing. OK, it's going to be chilly, but the weather models can't work out whether it's going to be wet or dry.

Now sat by the fire with a :cuppa: and listening to the football.


It's been a bright and sunny albeit rather chilly day here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept well after what ended up being a ridiculously late night. My brain wouldn't switch off after another session on those engineering drawings, so it was far easier to let my train of thought play out than trying to get to sleep. The net result there is that I have identified another parts sequence and pinned it to a specific job.

I had a quiet morning. The main tasks were topping up the wood bins in the house as I haven't done that since Tuesday, and then going to have a furkle in the freezer. Now that I've taken out a load of small items, I can get to the bigger things further in. There's a shoulder of lamb in there that I'd completely forgotten I had. That stayed in the freezer, but I've taken out a quarter of a free range bronze turkey. It's a leg joint, so will have to bone it out when it thaws. Will make some stuffing to roll up in that, and it will make a nice roast. And the leftovers will make lovely lunchtime sandwiches.

This afternoon was spent lumberjilling, and I now have another heaped trailer full of firewood. Glad I've done that, as the forecast for the coming week keeps changing. OK, it's going to be chilly, but the weather models can't work out whether it's going to be wet or dry.

Now sat by the fire with a :cuppa: and listening to the football.

That reminds me, the butcher never phoned us back to take the deposit for our turkey. So not sure we have an order or not all I can say for sure is collection is the 23rd.Will have to chase it up in a few days , just hope the woman who sorts orders is in work. The last time Mrs 73 tried it was her day off and no-one else looks to be able to do it.
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