Mundane News

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Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Off out for 1st 0 deg dog walk of the year.
Should be ok frost wise the areas to watch have been dry for a few days. Soon find out.

I will confess to having turned over when the alarm went off & going back to sleep. So today's walk (@27F) meant we encountered people Cassie hasn't ambushed before. No squirrels were in evidence but she barked at a sheep & two Shetland ponies. Later in the walk her ears pricked up at the sound of children's voices. They turned out to be afraid of her, although out with grandparents walking the dog! Grandparents provided the required fuss, however


Legendary Member
My eagerly awaited gas struts for my bootlid have finally arrived.

I must fit them and hopefully reduce the number of headaches. Having a bootlid fall on your head is an over-rated pastime.:cursing:


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Sunny morning and 4.6C outside.
I will go back to the library and get a change of books this morning as the last lot I got turned out to be not very interesting when I skimmed through them at home.
Should get out on trike later but the sun is too low for safety on the road so may try an off road unless my hands freeze too much when setting off. The front tyre also needs a bit of air which will probably freeze my fingers.

Correspondence from OVO Energy which may explain some of the recent debacle. It got to me ok but the address is mangled. All the bits are there but in the wrong order. This means that a stranger ie a meter reader will probably go and read somebody else's meter about half a mile away.
I have the same problem with one mail order firm I deal with who insist the postcode given is somebody else's address.
Why can they not just put the address they were given rather than mangle it and make it nonsense?

Have you checked your details on the Post Office's system? An error there will mean anyone using their system will get it wrong.
Daughter is off momentarily, but our Son will remain indefinitely ...


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Have you checked your details on the Post Office's system? An error there will mean anyone using their system will get it wrong.

That indeed is the problem with the mail order company but EVO you would expect to be up to date.
Older software has this problem.
The mail order people claim to have fixed the problem but while the payment address is correct the delivery one is not.
The only way I have found is to phone my order and speak to an actual person.


Ha ha I thought I was reading posts from today.They were 2016,numpty.So a bit of muck spreading then I cleaned the back windows.No not because the muck hit them,I just noticed they needed a clean.So all in all a good day including a very close haircut shave,down to the bone,well it was going thin thanks to the chemo.It looks better off.
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