Mundane News

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Legendary Member
My Garmin watch is now fully charged and won't need doing again until Monday. Which is useful as I'm away again on Tuesday.


Legendary Member
I was right about the weather - it was a good line drying day for washing and I got two loads done and dried.
Once the solar survey bloke had gone I made a quick booking with the recycling centre as I had an old printer and a load of clothing to be disposed of and, as I was using the car for the first time since the 6th November, I also took the opportunity of going to the main Tesco in Martlesham for a 'big' shop. It also had the advantage of being a 1.5 mile round trip (on foot) to the nearby Aldi for a few extra bits.
Googling the companies which produced some of the drawings that I catalogued on Wednesday has confirmed that I'm dealing with transmission components.

OK, when I say components, I'm quite literally talking nuts, bolts, spacers and bearings here.

It's quite fascinating to see who has bought out who over the years, and how small engineering companies end up in multi-national conglomerates.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
The £300 prize voucher for an organic food shop has mostly been spent, with just the final £90 or so to work through.

Yesterday's delivery covered most of it and the company wanted to deliver some missing items today. "No" was my answer, as I was out, and we agreed next Thursday.

Guess what? A stack of venison steaks were delivered this afternoon. Fortunately it was cold outside as that's where the driver left them. (Note: the venison and salmon steaks I ordered seemed almost sensibly-priced whilst nearly everything else was silly-priced)

Oh, and I added a box of organic mince pies to the order at £12 for 6 :blink: - I tried one this evening and it was OK, but not £2-worth. Too small, with very little filling.

It was essentially free, but I won't be ordering from the company again.
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