Mundane News

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Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
But how did you manage to get back to make the claim...?🧐

One train cancelled, one delayed. We got back on delayed train plus any subsequent connections we could make to get home. They refund the full journey not just the leg the delay occurred on.
I've ... ...noticed that Peacocks have onesies in again this winter. They haven't had for the last few years, which is why I've been mending my worn ones rather than taking out the two brand new ones that are in the cupboard. Ergo I shall splurge and buy another one because I know that the Peacocks onesies fit me, whereas those from Primark don't.

I have a very strange picture in my head of you in a onesie nibbling cheeses.....😲😲😲

I'm fighting down a picture of two exotic birds in fleece overalls.
Ring of Brodgar is Orkney is it not?

We did Skara Brae , Ring of Brodgar, Scapa Flow , the Italian Chapel, Jarlshof . We saw some Shetland Ponies and some seals sunbathing on a beach . We must have done something on Shetland apart from finding a chip shop . :wacko:


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
I have a box with assorted split pins. I know I have but where the blazes is it?
Searched my shed/workshop and cannot find it. All I need is just one of the length and diameter for the job of holding a mount I made for an existing fitting on my trike. No idea what the original purpose of this was but possibly for the front of the canopy I do not have. I intend to mount a camera there.
The workshop has enough nuts,bolts,assorted nails and screw nails to stock a small ironmongers but not the one bit I need. Also multitudes of spanners screwdrivers and assorted tools have been breeding in the big tool chest.
Most bike spares have been given away but odds and ends are left.
The scythe is also sitting there accusingly and reminding me I need to get on with clearing more of the weeds or rather wild garden.
A tasty if somewhat random supper of a chunk of spanish omelette, some pasta and sauce left over from last night, and a stack of very fine mini samosas with a date & tamarind sauce to dip them in. :hungry:

The samosas were from the Tesco "finest" Christmas canape range. Spendy full price, but if you see them on yellow sticker, I'd recommend them to you all as they are VERY nice. And quite fiery, but I like food with a good kick to it, especially when it's nippy outdoors.
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