Mundane News

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I'm back. It's windy out and the river has risen again.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Yesterday, I went across London on a very warm Victoria line tube train to German Deli where I bought a selection of German mustard and grated horseradish. Today, I went to Ramsgate to pick up some horseradish mustard. I now wish I'd thought of buying some slices of roast beef when I popped into Aldi on the way home. Still, I think I've got the condiments covered.


Vice Admiral
I have decided to prepare the dining room table for sewing something. Also I have decided what to sew next. When there is a load of garbage on the television, I can have a change from knitting and do some sewing.

I am very quickly learning that if I only do things "that are Necessary" I lose motivation to do anything at all. So preparing for sewing, choosing the right fabric and the right colour thread (in daylight) is a Good Thing.

I have managed to rearrange the filing cabinet, so that frequently used files are at the front of the top drawer. I thought we were moving into a "paperless" society, so why does there seem to be more paperwork that ever before. Call me old-fashioned but I like printed bank statements. There is also a massive amount of documents relating to health, and pensions etc.

Biker BoB

Well-Known Member
Yesterday, I went across London on a very warm Victoria line tube train to German Deli where I bought a selection of German mustard and grated horseradish. Today, I went to Ramsgate to pick up some horseradish mustard. I now wish I'd thought of buying some slices of roast beef when I popped into Aldi on the way home. Still, I think I've got the condiments covered.
I think my dog gets sliced cooked beef brisket from Aldi


Itching to get back on my bike's
I have decided to prepare the dining room table for sewing something. Also I have decided what to sew next. So preparing for sewing, choosing the right fabric and the right colour thread (in daylight) is a Good Thing.

Just make sure you don't get my cat suit too tight for my dance tomorrow


Being a fan of a certain Mr Charles Dickens i decided for some Christmas stocking fillers,to buy a collection of dvds.thank to Kindle i have a free collection of most of his books.What a list that is,and very soon when i finish my last two detective books,i will start on them.well while looking on ebay i had a thought You Tube,might be some on their.Bingo wonderful all the ones i like,and different ones also,so sorted for the films all at no i will buy another travel mug,i am going to need one come spring when the bike comes out.


Being a fan of a certain Mr Charles Dickens i decided for some Christmas stocking fillers,to buy a collection of dvds.thank to Kindle i have a free collection of most of his books.What a list that is,and very soon when i finish my last two detective books,i will start on them.well while looking on ebay i had a thought You Tube,might be some on their.Bingo wonderful all the ones i like,and different ones also,so sorted for the films all at no i will buy another travel mug,i am going to need one come spring when the bike comes out.

He was not a very nice man he was a total bar Steward to to his wife. Total fell out of love with her and carried on living in the same house . Even had a brick wall built down the middle of the bedroom.
It's been a bright and sunny albeit chilly day here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept really well - my brain is starting to recover from Wednesday's information overload. The morning was vacuumed up playing taxi driver for the parental, but while mum was sorting out her stuff (WITH the correct ID this time), I popped into the post office to send a small parcel and pick up a suitable quantity of stamps, and from there I ducked into the nearby Waitrose to buy a kilo of onions. The queues in The Works and in the LBS (which has a haberdashery dept) were too long so couldn't be bothered.

I shall go back next week as I need to buy a new road atlas to keep in the car (mine is horribly out of date) and a 10 or 11 inch white zip so I can do the alterations on the white coat I bought on the 'bay the other week. I've also spotted a book that mum might like, and have noticed that Peacocks have onesies in again this winter. They haven't had for the last few years, which is why I've been mending my worn ones rather than taking out the two brand new ones that are in the cupboard. Ergo I shall splurge and buy another one because I know that the Peacocks onesies fit me, whereas those from Primark don't.

Spent the afternoon in the garden making a start on clearing up the big mulberry branch that parted company from the tree the other night. I've already taken off most of the small stuff, which will be cut up for kindling, and removed some of the larger bits. But I ran out of daylight to finish the task, so that will be left for another day. At least I can now get the mower and trailer through there again.

I am not cooking tonight. I shall see what's in the fridge that needs eating.


Legendary Member
I extended my ride to 14 miles this afternoon, very nice day for it, crisp, cool, autumnal 🍁 :becool:

Went for a walk afterwards, have done my exercises and tidied up a bit. Tonight is pie and chips night:hungry:

Listening to music at the moment and all sounds good and crystal clear.:music: I had previously come to the conclusion my speakers were goosed a few weeks ago as music sounded flat, before realising the problem was actually with my ears.:laugh:

Biker BoB

Well-Known Member

... and have noticed that Peacocks have onesies in again this winter. They haven't had for the last few years, which is why I've been mending my worn ones rather than taking out the two brand new ones that are in the cupboard. Ergo I shall splurge and buy another one because I know that the Peacocks onesies fit me, whereas those from Primark don't.

I am not cooking tonight. I shall see what's in the fridge that needs eating.
I have a very strange picture in my head of you in a onesie nibbling cheeses.....😲😲😲
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