Mundane News

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Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Well, that's a fastest brush off I've ever had. LIDL have ignored most of my complaint, saying they'll flag it up with regional management and the security management. With a ''We look forward to seeing you in store again soon'' ending when I'd already said that I won't shop in their stores until the matter's resolved.

I should have got them to call the police. Bear this in mind, shoppers.


I'm still waiting for Lidl to sought out the access to the cycle stands at their Knaresborough store. There is a dropped kerb access from the car park but straight off the side of a parking space :banghead:


Went on an early morning look around M&S, one to get most of our normal M&S Christmas stuff and two with hardly anyone around I had a good dig around for more stuff reduced to clear. Spotted a few other nice goodies and stock up on a few extra tins of coffee to add to yesterday's. After early afternoon dog walk I went back to town to get a few things for Mrs 73's Christmas morning stocking.


Legendary Member
A tourist on Barra had his camera stolen and the thief sent sent the memory card to the local police station to return to the owner but kept the camera.
The owner looked at the memory card when he got it back and realised he had not taken the last two photos on it. They were views from a house window which were published on FB. The house was soon identified and the owner was able to identify the people staying there at the relevant date.
Somebody has now been charged with the theft.
The wonders of modern tech. True story but should it be in the jokes section?

There was a house burgled near where I used to live and the burglar had dropped his driving licence on the premises. That was an easy case solved.:laugh:


Legendary Member
Not a bad day so far - apart from the miserably grey conditions. Arrived at Nottingham with plenty of time to spare and decided to have a quick drink before booking in to the hotel. Perhaps I should have eaten first as the quick drink turned into a couple of pints of something strong requiring an afternoon nap.

Now to have a quick shower and then off to Rock City


We had a delivery from Ikea today. A very large box with a variety of items. After we'd emptied everything out our granddaughter claimed it as a den, filled it with cushions from the sofa, a few of her soft toys and took up residence. " Climb in with me Grandad! ", so I did. Great fun for a while, and then I realised I didn't have the strengtht to get back out again😮. Mrs TKK had to help me up with the aid of the handle on the Patio door which I could just about reach to grasp as I inelegantly rolled over the rim of the box.
Time to stop browsing the bling on the 'bay and tootle off to bed.

Nunnight one and all xxx :hello:

yeah got tempted by an online ad for a discounted torque wrench, that I can live without. went to the store to peruse them. turned out to be a 1/4" but even the 3/8" wasn't expensive. luckily, I turned & walked out to "reconsider" both, either/or
We had a delivery from Ikea today. A very large box with a variety of items. After we'd emptied everything out our granddaughter claimed it as a den, filled it with cushions from the sofa, a few of her soft toys and took up residence. " Climb in with me Grandad! ", so I did. Great fun for a while, and then I realised I didn't have the strengtht to get back out again😮. Mrs TKK had to help me up with the aid of the handle on the Patio door which I could just about reach to grasp as I inelegantly rolled over the rim of the box.

You two must've been cats in a previous life :biggrin:
yeah got tempted by an online ad for a discounted torque wrench, that I can live without. went to the store to peruse them. turned out to be a 1/4" but even the 3/8" wasn't expensive. luckily, I turned & walked out to "reconsider" both, either/or

I'm actually looking for a Christmas-present-to-self. I always like to have several options, because auctions don't always go to plan and I don't like to bid more than a realistic amount of money for a given item.
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