Mundane News

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father in law now sorted with his boiler.What a job.It seems the tank in the loft was full of sediment,so that along with the rads had to be drained and cleaned.Plus a new ballcock fitted.All is up and running he has noticed how much warmer the rads are,tonight will be his first bath in seven days,he told me he was taking up a pan scrubber.Bless him .


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Not currently raining but thundery showers forecast.
Slept in this morning. I seem to spend a lot of time asleep these days.
Need to be up tomorrow as Openreach are supposed to call between 0800 and 1200 to find out why my line is not working properly.
I must have a word with the Openreach guy who will be doing it and tell him not to be too early. He says it is almost certainly a bad contact in a box by the roadside nearby. The contacts are aluminium and corrode in damp conditions so need cleaning.
So far this morning I have had 3 text messages reminding me of this. One from Openreach and two from BT.

I am never happy buying online as suppliers for some reason mangle my address tho' I suppose if they put on the postcode the item would get here in the end.
Why not just put the whole address instead of something like Oldwheels,The Steadings, Argyll. :angry:

Those ali cables were a bit of a disaster, apparently. Much like the attempts to replace the pine poles with concrete & steel. We've still got a couple of the hollow poles here, so they did work. Most of the fibre is going in on poles, I don't see much evidence of any underground customer feeds.


Those ali cables were a bit of a disaster, apparently. Much like the attempts to replace the pine poles with concrete & steel. We've still got a couple of the hollow poles here, so they did work. Most of the fibre is going in on poles, I don't see much evidence of any underground customer feeds.

That looks to be how city fibre do things. Good job as when they dig a hole then move on to another two 3 streets away. leave all 3 unfinished for weeks then fill some in before doing it all over again. When you think you've seen the back of them the endless direct mail keeps coming. You can't get rid of them.


All at sea⛵
Active procrastination? Can you do that with a mice pie and a cup of coffee?

I have about umpty thousand things that need doing, but cannot decide where to start. :scratch:
So I shall sit down and decide which are the Very Important Things, and which are the Things I would like to Do.

What is the protocol if I think it is important to do the Things I Like? :unsure:

Back in the day I had a secretary who would make three lists of things that needed attention.

List 1 - you get fired if you don't do this.
List 2 - people, our boss, will notice if you don't read, do, know this.
List 3 - no one will care or notice. I already replied.

The 4th one was a bonus, most useful and totally unattributable
It included intelligence, the latest gossip. Like "LG and GS are visiting customer X together, 3 days! 2 nights in Prague. Oh yeah!"
"the stock price fell, Boston will be on the phone"


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
We had a delivery from Ikea today. A very large box with a variety of items. After we'd emptied everything out our granddaughter claimed it as a den, filled it with cushions from the sofa, a few of her soft toys and took up residence. " Climb in with me Grandad! ", so I did. Great fun for a while, and then I realised I didn't have the strengtht to get back out again😮. Mrs TKK had to help me up with the aid of the handle on the Patio door which I could just about reach to grasp as I inelegantly rolled over the rim of the box.

I do know that feeling. At the moment my shoulder & knee hurt, I wonder what it will be next week.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Time to place a deposit on a new ark :rain:

But should I have it with petrol, diesel, hybrid or electric propulsion 🤔

With the amount of sun I've seen recently, diesel would be the best option.
A cool and occasionally sunny day here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept well, and spent the morning at the parental's beck & call providing taxi service. Except that didn't go to plan as *someone* didn't think to take ID with them, and so consequently couldn't do what they needed to do. Which means I will have to do the same on Friday morning. :banghead: The morning in town wasn't entirely wasted however, as I picked up some bits I wanted in Aldi, including peppermint tea, which is 75p cheaper on a box of 40 teabags compared to Tesco. OK, it's not quite as nice, but because I get through a fair bit, those 75p tend to stack up quite quickly. And I also tanked the car up full as I've got to drive to Corby on Wednesday, and quite possibly on Thursday as well.

The pack of smoked salmon that I dragged out of the freezer for lunch was a bust. It had been cured with lemon & pepper, and just tasted overwhelmingly of pepper. Now I like pepper, but... Anyways, I had a little bit. The rest though, went into the bin.

Had a bit of a kitchen afternoon, and I've made a big pot of vegetable & barley soup. Am looking forward to a nice bowl of that.

And I won an auction for part of a Christmas-present-to-self. Another item that was up for grabs last night went for more than I was prepared to pay, but I can't complain, as I did get my preferred option.

Just sat here chilling out with a nice :cuppa:


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
An idle day partly due to getting phone and broadband lines fixed tho’ I could have gone out and left the Openreach guy to get on with fixing the lines. He has access to my house as he knows where a spare key is stashed outside in case of emergencies. The house is only ever locked if I am off on the mainland anyway.
My back seems to have given way and the base of my spine is painful so on paracetamol and hope it has settled down by tomorrow.
Filled a box with assorted possibly saleable stuff and took it up to the charity shop container which seems to have a constant supply of ingoing donations.
Tomorrow also an appointment with a GP to review my latest blood tests so out fairly early as I prefer morning appointments to leave the rest of the day flexible.
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