Mundane News

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Tesco all tescoed.

Cleared the shopping list and picked up a few bits for the holidays. Also got tempted by a lovely big cauliflower as they'd just put fresh stock out, a poncy pork pie and a large bag of Bombay Mix.

Yellow sticker pickings were slim, but the lady who does the markdowns on a Saturday night told me that it's been like that for the last few weeks. Not that it bothers me too much, as I've got more opportunity to use up stuff in the freezer. But I did pick up two trays of assorted samosas, a box of chicken pakoras, some katsu chicken tenders (had these before, they're really nice), a squishy French cheese I'd not come across before, a box with two berry panna cotta desserts, a tub of coleslaw, some green beans, some brussels sprouts and two seeded rye breads.

Watched the Ch4 documentary about the Princes in the Tower. I definitely want Santa to bring me Philippa Langley's book as the material in a TV programme is, of necessity, a mile wide and an inch deep - and this was a seven year-long study.

Now chilling by the fire with a :cuppa:

I wonder how they found all those bits related to the princes hidden away in different countries?

Couldn't have Googled it as it would have come up with loads of tins for sale !


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
I'm sat waiting for SWMBO so I can drop her off at a rail replacement bus, since she's off to Birmingham for a course for a few days.

Looks damp here in Dewsbury and I've had enough of a constant soaking on the bike this week so it may just be a short ride or a day indoors.

Whilst waiting I've been moving money around the savings accounts since some interest rates finished this week. One minor error but it's all done now. SWMBO seems to be better off than I am :blink: (I look after hers as well as mine). I wonder why? Ah, it'll be all those bikes and bike 'stuff' I have :okay:


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Not currently raining but thundery showers forecast.
Slept in this morning. I seem to spend a lot of time asleep these days.
Need to be up tomorrow as Openreach are supposed to call between 0800 and 1200 to find out why my line is not working properly.
I must have a word with the Openreach guy who will be doing it and tell him not to be too early. He says it is almost certainly a bad contact in a box by the roadside nearby. The contacts are aluminium and corrode in damp conditions so need cleaning.
So far this morning I have had 3 text messages reminding me of this. One from Openreach and two from BT.

I am never happy buying online as suppliers for some reason mangle my address tho' I suppose if they put on the postcode the item would get here in the end.
Why not just put the whole address instead of something like Oldwheels,The Steadings, Argyll. :angry:


Legendary Member
Good morning from a dry and sunny Suffolk. Coffee & breakfast done already as I'm off out to Nottingham for the penultimate night away of the year (Sisters of Mercy at Rock City). Just checked that the local trains appear to be running on time, so I can get the half past eleven one and not have to hurry for the half past ten one.


Morning, was raining and meant to be until it gets dark. Has stayed dry long enough for an entertaining walk to the Co-Op; a two alsatian walker was talking to a couple with a small child who was trying to stroke the alsatians - they were not interested.
Then a cat strolled up a touch too close. The alsatians were more curious than aggressive; the latter being the cat which was snarling and no doubt had its claws deployed until eventually it decided taking two alsatians on was pushing it's luck too far.
A fearless cat observed another dog walker further on. Did wonder if maybe the cat had poor eyesight as it did seem a pretty unusual action.
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