Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
I drove to Abby Park and walked down to the Ruvby ground where grandson was in a match this morning. Normally, I ride there but time restrains put a stop to that..
Luckily, I left the a mile away, as there's two-way traffic lights due to a nanobot spraying 5G mast being erected, right at the car park entrance! Chaos will ensue once a hundred cars or so attempt leaving!


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
I drove to Abby Park and walked down to the Ruvby ground where grandson was in a match this morning. Normally, I ride there but time restrains put a stop to that..
Luckily, I left the a mile away, as there's two-way traffic lights due to a nanobot spraying 5G mast being erected, right at the car park entrance! Chaos will ensue once a hundred cars or so attempt leaving!

Plus, your car didn't catch COVID!


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Actually, I have the factory fitted Nanobot Deflector Plates, just in case!
Does your Jazz have these?

It might do but the manual does have 681 pages so I might have missed that section.

Talking of cars, I've got my service and first MOT tomorrow. I thought it might be a good idea to give it a good wash and clean inside, top up tyre pressures and washer fluid. So, up with the bonnet, fixed it in the up position. Whereupon the wind gave the bonnet a good jolt, dislodging the bonnet support rod. The bonnet crashed down, forced the rod into the gap between bonnet and wing, and got itself latched half shut. The latch release mech wouldn't work because the bonnet wasn't fully down. There I was with a bonnet that wouldn't open because it wasn't shut and wouldn't shut because the rod was caught between them. This required fiddle and thump technology to sort out. I don't think the manual covers this eventuality.


Found it!
Yup. After nearly three years of half hearted attempts; including wardens who were regularly verbally abused and had some car pushing against their legs, :wacko: several protests by pedestrians blocking the road, all to prevent 'entitled motorists' from completely ignoring the several 'No Motor Vehicle' signs as they felt it didn't apply to them, it has now been reopened giving free access to motor vehicles. Two cafes had put up street seating thus improving their business, but they've now been removed as well.
And now, as part of this 'rethink', the council are now proposing to install cameras to 'monitor the traffic flow' - !
Pity that didn't occur to them three years ago; the cameras would have more than paid for their installation costs within six months and saved a lot of grief for the wardens. :dry:


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Another dismal day when it has rained lightly all day with no let up.
Went out as far as the bins to deposit recycling stuff and a collection of empty jam jars.
I have a lot of what could be termed junk but it is often very saleable in the charity shop so gathering up all sorts of stuff in a box and it can go to the shop collection point and they can junk what they do not want and sell anything else. The proceeds all go to local charities.
A mention of on street cafes reminds me that Calmac have rented a cafe and part of the pier to a person who is spreading the outdoor seating further out and blocking easy access to the Calmac office. I usually take the direct route to the office straight through the tables and seats which gets glares [ but so far no comments] rather take take a long detour. Don't know how long this standoff will continue but I am certainly not backing down and others who use the office also complain and they are fitter than me.

I remember when this was a working pier and also the day my wife reversed our Cortina up on top of a bollard and the stevedores had to lift it back off amidst much laughter. Took her a long time to live that down.:laugh:
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Mrs P tells me the kids have been fishing,asking her did i buy anything from the Dr Marten shop last week.Well i did but these shoes are my Xmas morning pressie.I only found out during a break in church this morning.So as soon as i could i got a message back to expensive buying for me.A Costa card is all i need.Too late came a reply whatever they had their eyes on it was bought yesterday.I hope it's not Dr Marten Chelsea boots,which i was admiring a few weeks ago.I hope they have not spent a lot of money.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Lovely afternoon, following a busy(ish) morning, eating Custard Creams, washed down with a coffee, whilst writing one birthday & three Christmas cards & wrapping some presents tgat I'll be delivering tomorrow after riding from St Ives park&ride to Grantchester.

Oh..! I also fitted in a snooze on the settee, too 👍😁


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
It might do but the manual does have 681 pages so I might have missed that section.

Talking of cars, I've got my service and first MOT tomorrow. I thought it might be a good idea to give it a good wash and clean inside, top up tyre pressures and washer fluid. So, up with the bonnet, fixed it in the up position. Whereupon the wind gave the bonnet a good jolt, dislodging the bonnet support rod. The bonnet crashed down, forced the rod into the gap between bonnet and wing, and got itself latched half shut. The latch release mech wouldn't work because the bonnet wasn't fully down. There I was with a bonnet that wouldn't open because it wasn't shut and wouldn't shut because the rod was caught between them. This required fiddle and thump technology to sort out. I don't think the manual covers this eventuality.

Blimey! All go on the Jazz front, isn't it! 😑
It's been a dull, drizzly and increasingly blustery day chez Casa Reynard.

Slept ok-ish, just not as deeply as I'd have liked. Other than topping up the wood bins in the house, I have done the grand total of nothing today. Well, other than watching the cricket and the F1.

Tomorrow's plans have simplified because the friend I was supposed to be meeting up with has had to cancel.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
A tourist on Barra had his camera stolen and the thief sent sent the memory card to the local police station to return to the owner but kept the camera.
The owner looked at the memory card when he got it back and realised he had not taken the last two photos on it. They were views from a house window which were published on FB. The house was soon identified and the owner was able to identify the people staying there at the relevant date.
Somebody has now been charged with the theft.
The wonders of modern tech. True story but should it be in the jokes section?
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