Mundane News

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Vice Admiral

:scratch:I have never heard of those on a breakfast menu.

:unsure: Oh! I geddit now!


Vice Admiral
What sort of battery did they install?

I was advised that a battery is not essential, and that the technology of batteries is improving all the time.

I have made some changes to my routine, for instance putting the (fully-loaded) dishwasher on in daylight, and not in the evening (at this time of year). I also use the slower/quieter programme so as to reduce the electricity coming off the grid.

My electricity tarif is about 23 pence per unit, but that price will increase next autumn.


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
The multi-toned crow in the neighbourhood has perched on 2 successive days on the top of the biggest tree outside my window. When it caws, it really bends its back so that its beak is level with the top of its legs. It never occurred to me quite how much effort it put into being the loudest crow in town. The first caw is always the highest pitch, with subsequent caws descending around about a semitone. It did once manage a minor third as if it were imitating a cuckoo but this apparently takes far too much effort to repeat.
Had a lovely luncheon of two slices of wholemeal toast, one with the last of the mortadella, one with the last of the gingered stilton, plus an apple, a pear and two :cuppa:

Tidied up the small wood the parental sawed up this morning - that is now in the correct bin in the garage. I like to keep firewood stored according to size, as it's easier to see what I've got in, and more importantly, what the next load needs to consist of.

One of my more pressing tasks in the immediate future (because it's blocked the path out into the back of the garden) is clearing up a large mulberry branch that has parted company with its tree and smashed into a neighbouring wild cherry. This particular mulberry lost its top and one side a couple of years ago. Most of it fell off, but this branch was left dingle dangling by a thread. It eventually parted company with the rest of the tree during the night, falling outwards and taking off a similar-sized branch from the cherry.

The mulberry branch is dead, and has been for a while, so that can be cut up for firewood and used right away. The cherry branch, I'm not sure, I'll have to wait till I clear that one up, as it's covered in ivy.


Took the chance that the shower just before 3 might be followed by a good dry spell and a 9.1 mile ride via Morrisons on the ebike, which outbound along the Starbeck branch was a somewhat aquatic in places - this being the worse and touch deeper than I expected, a clear advantage of having disc brakes

Cassette played in the VCR and successfully ejected :okay:
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To my complete lack of surprise Middle Son was successful in his job interview today.

Well done that lad! :thumbsup:


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
A miserable day with pouring rain which never stopped.
Went to the library to find it did not open today until 1230 for some unspecified reason so went and parked in the town for a bit.
Where on earth do touroid come from at this time of year and why? They then stand in the middle of the street in the rain taking photos on their phones. Nuts.
In the past we got peace from the end of August until about May the following year with little blips in September and perhaps at easter if it was late in the year but it never seems to stop now.
We had no qualms about closing our shop in October as that was the main Trade Fair month for selling our own produce and buying from others for the following year. Most of our incoming orders were placed then tho' regular customers ordered throughout the year.
That was the craft side of the business but our main business was rather different and I tended to spot purchase as required and scoured factories for 'Seconds".
Busy times but quite enjoyable. I rather miss the buzz of my search for "seconds" and selling wholesale was interesting.
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