Mundane News

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Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
After the three year long fiasco of the Exchange Street closure 'experiment' here in Norwich, a County Councillor has unilaterally decided to re-open said street to general motor traffic. :dry:
However, he has said that the proposed permanent alteration of St. Andrew's Street to one way only will go ahead.
As St. Andrew's Street is a busy 'feeder route' into the city, will be interesting to see the knock on effect. :whistle:

I'm pretty sure I saw a photo of Norwich cycling infrastructure being removed on Twitter this morning but for the life of me I can't find it now.


Itching to get back on my bike's
I was questioned momentarily in M&S on Wednesday re the bananas I had. The guy seemed to think I had not scanned them. They were the only item purchased so I was puzzled as to what he thought I was just about to scan my card for. Got my own back by leaving the sticky price label stuck to the shelf below the self service till.

I would have stuck it over the scanner
Same with the Lexter after Poppy crossed over Rainbow Bridge. She's only just started to want to go out again. And to play with her toys. Losing Poppy hit her hard. She still has these moments where she sits hunched in a corner, facing the wall...

Aaaaaw, yes I've noticed Madame Bella goes out much less now. I'm sure you miss little Poppy as we do Tinks 🐈‍⬛


North Yorkshire seem to specialise in announcing road alterations and then not doing them. The road round the back of the Harrogate conference centre was stated as being made left turn only where it joins the A61 - never happened. Similarly a road that forms a rat run to and from the Conference centre/town centre was to be made one way. That never happened. It is a bus route away from the town and with parked cars down one side it's common to find a bus and a car stuck on it until the car driver backs down. During the 2019 UCIs parking was banned on it and diverted buses ran both ways; one bus driver exclaiming joyfully why cannot it not be like this all the time.

So much of North Yorkshire is sadly a mess road wise. Way too car centred small villagers and medieval town lay outs just not built for the traffic. So much wound benefit from a rethink. Not to mention improving local high street trade. With more welcoming placers to be.
Mild, grey and squelchy here chez Casa Reynard. It rained a fair bit overnight given how wet things are.

Slept really well, but have had a nice quiet morning watching the F1 qually highlights and now Chelsea v Liverpool in the WSL. Much of the same planned for the afternoon, although at teatime I shall venture off to Tesco as I have to do some shopping.

The Bay of E seller made good and sent out the right white coat this time. The top part fits beautifully and looks great. The bottom part fits beautifully and looks great. It's the six inches in the middle that don't fit terribly well because it's tailored for someone taller than me. Namely, the darts for the waist actually sit across my hips, and so when the jacket is done up, it rides up rather horribly at the back.

Irritatingly, there's not enough fabric left in the seams to be able to let the darts out. Or any of the other seams for that matter. They're all tightly cut and then overlocked. Which means I'll have to think of another way to deal with this.

There are a good couple of inches of excess fabric where the zip is fitted, though, as an overlap to hide it. I'm thinking, if I remove the zip and fit it with a shorter one that's closer to the edges of the fabric, I should have enough room to manoeuvre.

Anyways, it is time for luncheon.
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