Mundane News

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Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Fabby supper of sausages & onions braised in cider, a jacket potato, the last of the red cabbage and apple slices fried in a chilli & rosemary butter :hungry:

Used a couple of the Green Harveys from the community orchard for my fried apples.

That sounds delicious (and I'm not even hungry!).
An evening with the cat curled up next to me watching The Crown. She's a lot more clingy since her brother climbed the furry staircase to heaven earlier this year.

Same with the Lexter after Poppy crossed over Rainbow Bridge. She's only just started to want to go out again. And to play with her toys. Losing Poppy hit her hard. She still has these moments where she sits hunched in a corner, facing the wall...


Legendary Member
Boy and girl racers are out making noise again.
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