Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
1250 passed without any sign of yesterdays non delivered parcel. Due to be delivered by 1220 according to RMs tracking

Had to do this weeks work visits, conveniently west initially so the plastics and the remaining polystyrene dropped off at the recycling site on Penny Pot Lane. Sunny and little wind, only one of the wind turbines was turning. Two cyclists passed on that key westward cycle route from Harrogate. One making a rare use of a shared footway at the urban end in order to avoid a TTL queue.
Another car journey along the Way of the Roses route around Brimham Rocks but no cyclist seen. In fact the only other cyclist I saw was tackling the long drag upto Risplith.

Got home to find no card in the letterbox and then around 3.40 heard postie put something through the letterbox and found they had also stuffed the plastic wrapper parcel as best as they could in the letter box.

How did we do asked the RM app, um...

Long time ago but near Christmas in the sorting office I was given a {obviously dead} turkey complete with feathers and a label tied round it's neck and told to deliver it and not come back until I had done so as it was getting a bit ripe Went to the detached bungalow and nobody at home so walked round. No outbuildings and the only window I could find open was the bathroom so stuffed the bird over and heard a satisfying splash.
Job done and there was no come back from the recipient. ^_^


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Dry day so had a walk.
The offroad route I fancied did not look too bad at the top so long as I could get past the gate which is chained. I used to have a key for these padlocks but they must have changed the padlock since then as the key I have does not work.
In the past in emergency we once used spanners to undo the u bolts but not practical in this case as too public.

I notice a couple of gritting lorries ready in the main car park but so far they have not been out. One car reported off road due to back ice this morning. One of my neighbours had to leave at 0530 this morning to take a van to Oban but not spoken to him since he came back to ask about road conditions.

Slight problem as we have currently no full time dentist so I am on a low priority waiting list as a visiting one comes from time to time. When we came here in 1972 a dentist came from Glasgow for a week every month. His surgery was a bit primitive with a foot operated drill.
Subsequently we had a very good full time dentist who had in addition to his fixed base a mobile surgery to go to the rest of the island. He retired and it has been a bit chaotic ever since. The last one seemed settled but no idea why the current problem.
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Had a lovely luncheon of two slices of wholemeal toast, one with Polish sausage, the other with sliced avocado, plus an apple, a pear and the obligatory two :cuppa:

Tidied up around the saw horse i.e. clearing up cut wood, sweeping up sawdust, then topped off all the wood bins in the house. After, took the parental to town, but where she needed to go was shut. Seems like they close early on a Friday now, as well as being shut on Tuesdays. Didn't bother going to Aldi, but picked up mum's prescription on the way home, so the trip isn't entirely wasted.

I'll have to go back to town on Monday instead. Awkward, because I've got something else on in the morning, which will mean giving up having lunch at a decent hour. And Tuesday they're shut. And the rest of the week needs to be kept free too.

This is because I've been brought in as both an assistant and engineering expert on a rather interesting project by my motor racing historian friend. It's a unique opportunity that's not going to come around again, so I'd be a fool not to accept.

Anyways, now sat down with a :cuppa: and a biskit.


Guess what after 90 mins of faffing the Baxi gasman,said it needs a part we dont carry as a spare.It will have to be ordered,well after a phonecall it will be there Monday afternoon.So a contract with BG does not get you a repair of a BAXI boiler.BAXI dont allow BG to repair them.Cover costs £ 424 per year.Mrs P is not happy and by Monday no heat or hot water for seven days,no baths no shower and boils water to wash up.I think a quick wash with a flannel to keep certain bits clean.She will be looking to get some form of better yearly cover.Thing is we are 65 miles away and dont know local trades people.


A folded blanket placed at the foot end of the bed is now an overnight place for our youngest cat to curl up, it's stopped her trying to sleep on our heads,
Likewise. Unfortunately two of our cats are 'daddy's girls' and frequently vie for my company at bedtime; they don't like each other. One was using said blanket, but has recently been beaten to it by t'other. So the one now spends her time on one of her beanbags gurning at t'other. And t'other invariably ends up on my chest or throat when I've settled down for the night - ! :whistle:
You can't win; well not with cats anyway - ! :laugh:


Went to our amazing Cheeseman on Norwich Market today and she said 'Oh look what I've got in specially for you - !'
This was a locally produced cheese named 'Pinkfoot' ( don't ask, as it's more an orangey red ). Similar in taste to a Vintage Red Lincoln, but a bit drier. So I just had to get a lump - ! :laugh::okay:


Legendary Member
I enjoyed my half day Friday. I ventured out on the bike for a leisurely ten miles. My first ride in over a month. I didn't push myself very hard. No problems with my back , thankfully, but still slightly chesty. Still, it was good to get out again. :bicycle:

Exercises now completed, Friday night pie and chips consumed. Now sitting listening to the rain on the windows which is very relaxing.
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