Mundane News

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Panned shots are always something of luck or not. The womens road race at the 2019 UCIs I was stood on the outside of the bend at the foot of Penny Pot Lane, just before the bend onto the narrow bridge over Oakbeck followed by the climb of Cornwall Road, and as AVV approached I realised the phone had flipped to its front facing camera. Quickly turned the phone round and just swiped the phone in front of me as she passed; got a perfect freeze frame.

I was using my Pentax DSLR. I saw it in a tree in front of me but it flew off just as I raised my camera . I lost sight of it and then caught sight of it as it flew back . I was determined to try to get some proof of it and just aimed and fired off a burst . This was the best out of three shots . One is just a pretty blue blob in amongst a thick hedge . The third is missing .
Morning .
Grey and dry here at the moment.
I think I may not have fully recovered yet . Last night I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep . I had a buzzing sound in my head and the noise of traffic constantly going by . When I shut my eyes I kept seeing faces , none of them I could recognise . It was ages before I nodded off and started to dream .
My wife is still feeling poorly from her bout.


Legendary Member
It looks like it will be a nice day once the mist lifts.

I must start going for my early morning walks again now that I'm feeling better. On the flip side, the earlier I start work, the earlier I finish.

I've booked myself a ticket to see a Creedence Clearwater Revival tribute act tonight. Will be more interesting than another night sitting in an armchair!


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
T'were Cromwell who banned Christmas, with his reformation of the church. Christmas Day, in Scotland, wasn't a public holiday until the mid 50's.

Hogmanay should be celebrated on the 11th January, due to the change of calendars, Julian to Gregorian.

See also Yorkshire lays claim to Hogmanay!

I remember doing postal deliveries on Christmas day which must have been mid to late 1950s.
John Knox gets blamed for a lot of things he had nothing to do with as he was generally not popular so a handy whipping boy.
Some do celebrate the Auld New Year on 11th January.
I had forgotten about Cromwell and his reforms.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Well, we've already managed to get the Scottish Flag colours to match those of the Yorkshire Flag. Blue(Pantone 300) and white.

I do have a problem with Yorkshire which is probably not fair on all who live there.
In my last paid employment we were taken over by a firm from Yorkshire and they were collectively the nastiest people I have ever had the misfortune to meet.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Dry but overcast with rain hovering out to the SW but it may not come this far.
My right arm is a bit sore after getting two jabs in it yesterday but a couple of paracetamol may help and if it improves and is not raining I may try a trike run.
Our local FB page is full of adds for fancy meals and fancy gifts.
When they have the official switch on of Christmas lights there is also late night shopping.
We did open the shop out of solidarity with the rest of the shopkeepers and had a bowl of punch which anyone coming in got a taste of.
It was just as well the off licence was open as I had to go back to get another bottle of brandy for more punch as it did vanish fairly quickly. I will admit to having a share of it as after all it did need to be checked for quality. :whistle:
Most of the shops did this which was ok in a small community but would not work in a larger town.
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