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All at sea⛵
Having damaged one of my hearing aids while faffing.i am responsible for the cost.It is the horn.It's the middle bit.It is the piece that hold the tube to the actual aid.So two phone calls to high street suppliers,sorry unless you are a customer we cannot sell one to you.Now not wanting to do four bus journeys to get to the hospital repair dept.The computer is my friend.i have found a company and i get not one but two horns for only £6-99 a cheap repair plus £2-99 packaging and postage.Phew i have been fortunate,because aids are on loan it tells you in the booklet.It reads like this.The charge is an admin cost for lost/damaged device.I bet it is more than £9-98.

Do share the supplier, please



Hearing Aid Accessories | Buy Online | Free P&P Over £35 ...

Hearing Aid Accessories

Coventry Road Hinkley Leicestershire,but just click the link in the post it should come up.



Legendary Member
I shot motorsports professionally for the best part of a decade. :blush:

I did learn by doing though, starting with a Kodak 126 format camera and a 620 format box when I was about 8 or so, then working my way up via other kinds of cameras to an SLR. Shooting film, and then having to pay for processing from pocket money really made you concentrate on getting a shot right using the fewest number of frames.
As someone who also shot motorsport photos, but purely for personal use, I very much agree with this. The advent of digital and standing next to those with the shutter sounding like a machine gun as they took a volley of shots in the hope of gettingg one good picture made me despair.
As someone who also shot motorsport photos, but purely for personal use, I very much agree with this. The advent of digital and standing next to those with the shutter sounding like a machine gun as they took a volley of shots in the hope of gettingg one good picture made me despair.

I actually switched to digital very early on - 2003, as I could really see the benefit. Initial outlay for a camera body was spendy (I went secondhand) but it completely cut the numpties* doing the processing right out of the loop.

Trouble was, as digital got cheaper, a lot of drivers then wangled free photos off their mates, as you say, machine gunning with the camera, rather than paying me for my time and my skill and a nailed on shot of their car. The only time I'd really machine gun was if an incident was happening right in front of me.

* except for Boots in Ely, which had a proper photo lab back then. I got to know the lady who ran the lab, and could tell her exactly what was needed. Perfect processing every time. Everywhere else was somewhat hit-and-miss.

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
We're not quite into the 2nd half of November and there's already a few houses round here with Chr***mas decorations up - including one with fully decorated & lit tree in the living room and the naff LED lit reindeers and sleighs in the garden.

In The States, we never used to put the tree up until late in Advent, and have all decorations down by Twelfth Night. Then it got to be day after Thanks-giving, and now the trees go up after Hallowe'en.
In The States, we never used to put the tree up until late in Advent, and have all decorations down by Twelfth Night. Then it got to be day after Thanks-giving, and now the trees go up after Hallowe'en.

Mine doesn't go up till the middle of December at the very earliest, more usually in the last week before Christmas. All decorations get packed away on Twelfth Night - or burned in the fire when it comes to greenery, but this time they'll be coming down a day early as I'm most likely to be stewarding at a cat show in Ware on the 6th January.
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