Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Managed at last to get out for trike run.
Did not attempt too far as it was a bit chilly and I did not warm up with the exercise. More traffic than expected which never seems to have any reason. There are often strange patterns to the traffic. Today none of the ones I let past acknowledged this but some other days they all give a flash of the hazard lights or a friendly toot on the horn. Which leads on to how can you differentiate between friendly and non friendly horn blowing?

Lost a filling from one of my teeth so called at the dentist when I was out. Door firmly locked and no notices to give a reason. Surely not closed for lunch at 1225. Need to try later or more likely go up tomorrow since the tooth is not painful so I am low priority to get an appointment.
The last filling I had replaced was not charged for. We had a bit of chit chat about cycling as she is very keen on getting out on her e bike so mebbe that served for payment.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
Ah, the good old days when John Knox was in charge, the monstrous regiment of women and all that :smile:

(The ‘emphasis’ got placed on Hogmanay cos he banned the celebration of Christmas. He considered it too Catholic).

He had a point.


All at sea⛵
Had a lovely luncheon of two slices of wholemeal toast, one with Polish sausage, one with that really nice Stilton, plus an apple, a persimmon and the obligatory two :cuppa:

Spent the afternoon lumberjilling. Filled the trailer with lengths of good quality oak that's dry enough to use straight up. The wood came from a large tree that just seemed to have partially shattered. I think it might have been struck by lightning. Anyways, no matter, that's another nearly cubic metre of firewood that's in and under cover.

I am now aching all over as I had to de-dangle one of the branches. That's always hard work, when something lands almost vertically, because the top is caught in a neighbouring tree. You've got to make cuts in the bottom so that those pieces break off under the weight of what's above it until the branch is light enough to slowly pull free.

Was damn cold out there, working in that brisk wind, was glad of the coat and woolly beanie hat. Really enjoyed the :cuppa: and biskit after I'd finished.

The cat has been fed, and soon it will be time to feed me.

Never quite got the point of persimmon. Was God having a slow afternoon when he made them?


All at sea⛵
[QUOTE="classic33, post: 7101394, member: 299"
"Freiburg was founded by Konrad and Duke Berthold III of the House of Zähringen in 1120 as a free market town;"

York had their coat of arms before 1066, with the lions, Passant, added by William The Conquer

Every day is a school day.


Vice Admiral
Ahh, you mean just like the original Smith's crisps back in 1920 with the wee blue bag of salt so the consumer had a choice to salt or not. :okay:
And how much are Tyrell's charging for this 'novelty' - ? :whistle:

Err they are on the spendy side, but as I only have about one (admittedly large) bag of crisps every two weeks or so, I think they are the best ones.

Sadly Waitrose had an accident with my Lindt Chocs, and the Port. Both were out of stock. :scratch:


Have to have three hands to carry anything


Ah, the good old days when John Knox was in charge, the monstrous regiment of women and all that :smile:

(The ‘emphasis’ got placed on Hogmanay cos he banned the celebration of Christmas. He considered it too Catholic).

He really had a thing about women especially ones with social standing. Ultimately leading to the witch craft act which Knox was a prime mover in and under him Scotland went to town on it big time. Leading to over 2000 mostly women being strangled then burned to death. That's after being tortured and shockingly treated much of which was nothing more than for sexual pleasure of the witch finders.
So all in all a top bloke all round like most other high end religious folk heroes.
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