Mundane News

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A mild and very blustery day here chez Casa Reynard, mostly sunny, but with the odd brisk shower blowing through.

Slept OK-ish, would've been better if I hadn't pulled my duvet up over my head and left my feetsies bare! Brrrrrr! Did a load of laundry early doors (which I still need to remove from the machine) before meeting up with a friend and her dogs for a walk around the community orchard and the local nature reserve. Parts of our walk were a tad squelchy after yet more rain overnight, but it was great to have a chinwag and set the world to rights.

I have some errands to run for the parental this afternoon, and I've also got some kitchening to do. If it stays dry, I also plan on unloading the firewood from the trailer and stacking it up under cover in preparation for cutting it up tomorrow.

Anyways, it is almost time for luncheon.


Itching to get back on my bike's
Windy in Numpton
Sun's out
Well after my recent ebay purchases i am not a fan of RM 48 hour means 48 hour in my book not three days after,if i was both sellers i would try to get my postage costs back.Wednesday 48 hour delivered Monday is not 48 hour.Anyway i hardly use RM now.

We have found that they are useless now . It's a nerve when they say that they want to go to the regulator to change their terms of operation so that they could concentrate on parcels .


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Heavy rain petered out mid morning and the wind has gone down as well.
Bits of the mainland seem to have taken a battering and the Rest and be Thankful is reported flooded but that is not possible IMO and it is probably just lazy reporting and it is really Glen Croe which is very likely. Landslides at the Rest are more likely but nothing reported. This is a very emotive subject and Dunoon gets a bit annoyed at the road being closed. They have a good ferry service to the south so not really cut off.
Buses and trains are also stopped at Arrochar due to flooding.

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Photo Winner
Inside my skull
A gale force winds day with waves crashing up the cliffs

Had a lovely luncheon of two slices of wholemeal toast, one with polish sausage, one with stilton, plus a banana, the most fabulous ripe persimmon and two :cuppa:

Trailer of firewood emptied. Some's had to go to the outside log store to dry out as I'd levered it out of some mud and it was still wet, most is for me to saw up tomorrow, and some small stuff is for the parental to do, as she does like to putter about with such. After, I did some kitchening for tonight's supper, and then I sorted out some errands for the parental - drop off her prescription at the quack and post a letter.

Now sat down with a :cuppa:
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