Mundane News

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Pretty wet out side this morning it’s looking like a slow morning with a quick walk to the shop and bakers. Mrs 73 for her favourite fruit tea cakes and a curd tart for me. A custard slice may make it back too.


Legendary Member
Chill November's surly blast has made fields and forests bare.

All the leaves currently reside on my balcony.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Pitch black when I got up this morning.
The forecast says heavy rain and strong winds and looking at my front windows it is not wrong.
The slug is back. How can you identify individual slugs?
No idea how it gets into my kitchen sink but it looks to be the same one every few weeks. They do have a "homing" tendency but since I flush it down the loo there should be no escape as there should be no connection between sewage and domestic waste water.
OTOH this house was renovated mid 1970s by what can only be described a a cowboy building firm so anything is possible.
The builder had no experience of building work and how he got the contract remains a mystery and all those involved are now dead.
He later went on to become a successful political correspondent and once got an interview with a certain PM called Mrs T. by hiding in a cupboard until she appeared. She was impressed by his cheek apparently but the security services were not.
Morning .
I had a terrible night . I think we have gone down with the Nora Batty Virus! I had some drug's manufacturers by my bed bidding for a new drug. Builders were arguing over the best position to be lying in my bed . It's strange what your mind gets up to when you are not well. My hands and feet were freezing and I had to try to find the best way to lie so as not to cause a volcanic eruption.
I'm going to take it easy today.


Legendary Member
Good morning from a wet & windy Suffolk. Plenty of rain overnight, but the clouds are now disappearing and the sun has just made an appearance. Just finishing the first cuppa of the day and then the recycling bin needs to be retrieved.
Domestics day today - bedding change & washing, ironing from last week, vacuuming, etc and also trying to get back into the routine of a working week.
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