Mundane News

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I've been working on a couple of modelmaking projects in relay; now I have lots of damply painted items all around the apartment.

I need to tidy up tomorrow.


Legendary Member
Managed to get everything done around the house by mid afternoon. Walked up to the local post office to get a stamp to send a birthday card off to my step-sister and then just kept going for about an hour in some lovely sunshine and very blustery winds. If I'd known how bad some of the paths were (large areas of thick gloopy mud, other places with a slimy/slippery top surface) I'd have worn more appropriate footwear than a pair of cheap trainers.
Bing has informed me that it's Robert Louis Stevenson's birthday.

I forgot to buy him a card. I hope he won't be too disappointed.

How appropriate that I was in the local tunnel today. It’s decorated with his work From a Railway Carriage. He was a
local, his grandfather was minister here.
Time for bed, this little one said.

Nunnight one and all xxx :hello:
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