Mundane News

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I've just refilled the cat's water dispenser.
see you next June, summer footwear
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I ordered replacement struts for the bootlid on my Yaris as I'm fed up with banging my head when I put things in the boot.

excellent! we did that w/ my late Fathers 1994 Camry front hood. he used a stick to hold it up for many years, then we did the same. but what a wonderful day when we had new pistons installed. spectacular! what an invention!
Good morning.

The apartment felt warm when I got up but now there's a distinct chill in the air. I may have to rethink my clothing choices.


Itching to get back on my bike's
16c in the kitchen
First cuppa went down very well

excellent! we did that w/ my late Fathers 1994 Camry front hood. he used a stick to hold it up for many years, then we did the same. but what a wonderful day when we had new pistons installed. spectacular! what an invention!

I ordered replacement struts for the bootlid on my Yaris as I'm fed up with banging my head when I put things in the boot.

Tailgate/bonnet struts are a fantastic addition but you try shutting one when they seize
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