Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
That was a lovely 40 winks on the settee .. 👍
A cool, dry and grey day here chez Casa Reynard, with a sharp frost early doors.

Slept ok-ish and had another lovely lie in. Haven't done much of anything at all today bar going to furkle in the freezer. I have removed a packet with two salmon portions and a packet with two turkey breast steaks. I can now get to some of the larger items, including a pork shoulder joint.

I'm thinking that the pork shoulder might make a very nice Christmas dinner, glazed with orange, cranberry and allspice, and slow roasted over a tray of potatoes, root vegetables... :hungry:

Had a lovely luncheon of two slices of wholemeal toast, one with mortadella, one with gingered white stilton, plus an apple, a banana and the obligatory two :cuppa:

I do have to top up the wood bins in the house as I had the fire going quite briskly last night. But other than listening to the football on the radio, that's all I plan on doing today. It's so nice to have a quiet day every once in a while.


Vice Admiral
Hoppy Birdday @tom73 :cheers:


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Happy birthday @tom73.
Walked most of the way up to visit my wildlife pal and he was just going out to put in some stobs as the start of a space for a mutual friend’s horse box. They used to be major breeders of Shetland ponies but not sure they do as many now.
I got a lift in his pickup, not one of these poncy ones but a real working one. Biggest job was actually climbing up into the thing. There was ice still unmelted on some puddles as he is higher up than my house and while it was cold here there was no ice.
Somebody had given him some crab claws which are really nice with garlic butter. Never tried that before.


Legendary Member
These darker evenings are a pain - you can't look out of the window to see whether it's the recycling or non-recycling bins your neighbours have put out, so I've had to navigate the East Suffolk Council web-site to find out it's recycling bins tomorrow. Appropriate web page saved as a favourite & appropriate bin moved to the front of the house.
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