Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Another sunny day and not as cold as expected at 5C.
Need to wait a bit to make sure my guts are ok before I venture out. Washing machine doing it's thing at least I hope so as it is in the kitchen out of hearing range.
Just noticed a small van has parked tail end to the fence between two cars opposite me as there was not room to park parallel to the roadway as everybody else does. Transpires it was for sleeping overnight by the looks of it. One way to be conspicuous is to park in a residential area with limited parking and a very strange place to overnight anyway as there are lots of places much better.
Nostalgia strikes as just read a reference to the "tattie holidays" which was a week off school to help with lifting tatties for which you got paid. Only in Scotland I think.
Cannot believe how time passes and it seem I have been here for 12 years and got another trophy.


Itching to get back on my bike's
Back after a chilly 30 miles.
First cuppa went down well.
Clear blue skies


Legendary Member
Definitely feeling a good bit better and more mobile today. Maybe rum and blackcurrant is good treatment for a knackered back. 🤔

Lovely crisp morning for my walk. Saturday morning fry up now consumed and it was good.:hungry:

Today's hash brown was circular rather than triangular like they usually are. We live in uncertain times!


Looks like the weather has flipped this weekend so the washing out a day early, then the old TV, VCR and the broken lid/screen off the old laptop taken to the recycling site. Waiting for set of TTLs to change on the return a group of cyclists including a tandem headed in the opposite direction, all with mudguards. Then to Waitrose meaning the ebike once again missed out on its normal Saturday morning outing. Thereafter two cars had collided close to the UCI finish line location, thankfully only blocking one lane of that two lane one way section of the A61.


Legendary Member
Good morning from sunny Suffolk where yet another morning of hectic inactivity has taken place. Coffee has been made & drunk and a load of towels put in the washing machine* and that's about it so far today.
Looks like it's going to be a nice day for a slow pootle later on after a combined breakfast/elevensies/early lunch has been had.

*And before @classic33 pipes up, the machine was switched on to wash the towels - they weren't put in there for storage.

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
It's three degrees outside... And I don't mean the group!

-2C here.


Legendary Member
Another sunny day and not as cold as expected at 5C.
Need to wait a bit to make sure my guts are ok before I venture out. Washing machine doing it's thing at least I hope so as it is in the kitchen out of hearing range.
Just noticed a small van has parked tail end to the fence between two cars opposite me as there was not room to park parallel to the roadway as everybody else does. Transpires it was for sleeping overnight by the looks of it. One way to be conspicuous is to park in a residential area with limited parking and a very strange place to overnight anyway as there are lots of places much better.
Nostalgia strikes as just read a reference to the "tattie holidays" which was a week off school to help with lifting tatties for which you got paid. Only in Scotland I think.
Cannot believe how time passes and it seem I have been here for 12 years and got another trophy.

Half term me and my mates used to go what we called spud bashing.We had to take our own garden forks.If my memory serves me correctly we got paid five shillings a day. I was thirteen at the time Potato’s are nor harvested mechanically..

I doubt health and safety would not have allowed us to go spud bashing had it been a law back then.
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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Half term me and my mates used to go what we called spud bashing.We had to take our own garden forks.If my memory serves me correctly we got paid five shillings a day. I was thirteen at the time Potato’s are nor harvested mechanically..

I doubt health and safety would not have allowed us to go spud bashing had it been a law back then.

We called it tattie howkin. Never did it as a schoolboy as my father was a gardener so I got plenty garden work and my mother did not approve anyway. She was a bit snobbish in that respect.
I did work as a jobbing gardener during school and college holidays as well as at weekends.
On the farm we had “ casuals” in for jobs like lifting tatties but cannot remember how much they got paid but they also got a “boiling” of tatties every day to take away.
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