Mundane News

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Also, I just had a chat with Beautiful Daughter, which is nice, but normally I have a chat at about seven in the evening, so I keep looking at the clock thinking I need to go to bed...


Water butts successfully relocated, but need replumbing and holes drilled in new locations. First though to order some blanking plugs to fit the existing. Used coffee pods dropped off for recycling and Aldi shopped by foot then the ebike had a 7.5 mile outing to Lidl where it had an ebike companion. Did the route in reverse to normal and therefore the steepest climb was instead descended.
I took my Orbit Italia out for it's first test ride today. The river had burst it's banks and there were floods in places. This is by Lacock Abbey.

l abbey 1.JPG


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Managed to get out and do a bit with a scythe which cleared part of the wild garden which was raked into a newish compost heap. A strimmer would be easier but mine will not start for some unknown reason so is destined for the dump. Might try advertising it because other people seem to get it to go and somebody would love a free strimmer.
Next thing to do is cut down the stalks of the Jerusalem Artichokes which have got a bit out of control tho’ I have managed to keep them next to a deer fence. I use a hedge knife for this which makes the job easier. The stalks are left to dry and then vanish in a bonfire.
If not kept under control they spread quickly and are really a bit of a nuisance. The actual artichokes are quite nice and they are a non nobbly variety so easy to prepare for cooking.
Sat in the sun in my sheltered corner and had a snooze but cold wakened me.
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