Mundane News

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Legendary Member
A lovely day for November and my back is much better. I was tempted to ride my bike despite what the physioterrorist said but decided to obey orders.

I went for a coastal walk instead. Still a few stray toroids around the coastal areas. I followed one in second gear for many miles who seemed to think the idea is to drive with one wheel on each side of the white line with a long queue of cars behind.



Legendary Member
We called it tattie howkin. Never did it as a schoolboy as my father was a gardener so I got plenty garden work and my mother did not approve anyway. She was a bit snobbish in that respect.
I did work as a jobbing gardener during school and college holidays as well as at weekends.
On the farm we had “ casuals” in for jobs like lifting tatties but cannot remember how much they got paid but they also got a “boiling” of tatties every day to take away.

I grew up on a farm and did my share. A lot depended on who you were working to as some were horrible.

I never minded at the time but wouldn't have much enthusiasm for doing it now. It's not good for the back and your hands get sore and cracked with clay pushed up under your nails. Nowadays people usually wear gloves to work with potatoes. Anything bigger than a garden would be dug with harvester these days anyway unless it ends up too wet to use heavy machinery.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
I grew up on a farm and did my share. A lot depended on who you were working to as some were horrible.

I never minded at the time but wouldn't have much enthusiasm for doing it now. It's not good for the back and your hands get sore and cracked with clay pushed up under your nails. Nowadays people usually wear gloves to work with potatoes. Anything bigger than a garden would be dug with harvester these days anyway unless it ends up too wet to use heavy machinery.

One thing I did learn from my farming days was that if faced with say a full midden to empty with two lads, a wheelbarrow and a couple of graipes you just started at one end and got on with it. That means if faced with what seems like impossible odds you just nibbled away and got there in the end.
A useful life lesson.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
A lovely day for November and my back is much better. I was tempted to ride my bike despite what the physioterrorist said but decided to obey orders.

I went for a coastal walk instead. Still a few stray toroids around the coastal areas. I followed one in second gear for many miles who seemed to think the idea is to drive with one wheel on each side of the white line with a long queue of cars behind.

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We have lots of those drivers here on the single track roads. If a local car is next in line they get harassed with horn blowing and headlight flashing and in some cases dangerous manoeuvres such as pretending to overtake at passing places. Two or three in line tho’ it is hopeless. :angry:


Leg End Member
One thing I did learn from my farming days was that if faced with say a full midden to empty with two lads, a wheelbarrow and a couple of graipes you just started at one end and got on with it. That means if faced with what seems like impossible odds you just nibbled away and got there in the end.
A useful life lesson.
I've spent days tinnin turnips, picking spuds, stookin oats, hay making, turning stacking/bagging turf.
It's been a lovely and sunny, if somewhat chilly day here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept well and slept in. Had a bit of a kitchen morning and did some laundry. Lovely luncheon of toast, mortadella (bologna to our correspondents across the athlantic), white stilton with ginger, some fruit and two :cuppa:

Afternoon was spent listening to Arsenal v Burnley.

Cooked a fabulous supper of pork steaks braised in cider, jacket potato, apple sauce, red cabbage with apple, onion & cider, and an onion, honey & mustard gravy. :hungry:

Now watching the Festival of Remembrance while waiting for MOTD.
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