Mundane News

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Vice Admiral
I haven't got that far yet, although I do remember it from back in the day.

Like all these long-running series, there are some good episodes and some not so good. I didn't like the one about the raid in the glass factory that I watched on Thursday.

The identity of the culprit should have been crystal clear.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Sunny day but cold. The sun is really too low now for safe road cycling particularly with a trike.
Did a bit of light gardening but my back garden has got into a terrible mess and I see an oak tree appearing which must be from an acorn from another one at the top of the garden. Will leave it meantime and decide later whether to shift it or not. It is right beside the polytunnel frame so would interfere with that at some future date so probably better to shift it.
Could not stray too far from the house anyway today as I seem to have picked up a bug which means keep near a loo. :ohmy:


Legendary Member
My half day, went for a wander up town before doing my exercises.

I then decided to drive to the beach for a walk and a change of scenery since it was a nice evening. Back definitely feeling a lot better.

Tonight is pie and chips night.:hungry:


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
I'm currently (after a typical dastardly Friday afternoon drive, with holdups, diversions, roadworks & a car fire) in Norwich, Old Catton to be exact.
Soon, depending on the Friday traffic, I shall be heading for Wisbech.
Eventually, I will head home, via yet another diversion as J13 of the A14 closed at 20:00.


Today's 67 plate truck has, for some reason, only 967322 kilometres on the odometer.

Um.. every fleet has one that spends more that it's fair share of being fixed. Hope it behaves itself.
It's been a cool and mostly sunny day here chez Casa Reynard.

Yesterday did not go quite to plan, which is why I wasn't around. Nothing wrong, just the morning went tits up because of traffic and the afternoon got gobbled up by sorting out paperwork for the parental unit. By the time the evening came around, I was thoroughly fed up.

Today's been much better. Slept well, did some housework early doors, and then this afternoon I made a big pot of carrot, sweet potato & red lentil soup before hauling in a load of firewood and topping up the bins in the house as I never got round to that yesterday.

I am going to look at the Black Friday deals for a new printer, as I need to buy one anyway. It is very annoying being printer-less.

Anyways, it is almost time to feed the cat, and then it will be time to feed me.
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