Mundane News

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postman's house is not fancy.It's a bit battered on the paint work inside.But it's clean and warm,sometimes,but today it's more wonderful.The young people are here and there is so much laughter coming from the front room,mind you they are supposed to be working.


The GLW is still at work, so I've had another useful morning delivering leaflets for her, ordering my bread for Monday, cutting new panels for the squirrel feeders; wee hooligans keep breaking them :laugh: and a quick tidy of the patio area followed by coffee and a cracking choccy cookie with bits of KitKat on the top - ! :okay:


Just been WhatsApping with one of my grandsons and explaining that retirement ( for some of us at least - ! ) isn't all about sitting about doing little or nothing, even after fifty one years of graft - ! :laugh:
As Ted the Northern Cat rightly says 'Don't stop moving when you get old. You will get old if you stop moving.'
Na'er was a truer word spoken - ! :okay:


All at sea⛵
More likely not as long as they should be. Really ought to a law that clothing must be sized numerically and the use of S M L etc banned.

Bit big brother.

They use numbers in Europe for sizes.
Just they vary from country to country.
Dutch tend to be a bit on the long side for me
Germans bit big round the erm, chest
I did have a little conversion chart. Have to go and look in the travel box


The clowns here bought a machine to do the same job, It was going to fix the problem for good. They even claimed they'd sold the only other one to Saudi Arabia. Once the PR died down it was never seen again and we've now for years gone back. To Fred fills in the hole and his mate bashers it with a shovel.

There's one in Tony Robinson's Marvellous machines program on Yesterday


Bit big brother.

They use numbers in Europe for sizes.
Just they vary from country to country.
Dutch tend to be a bit on the long side for me
Germans bit big round the erm, chest
I did have a little conversion chart. Have to go and look in the travel box
Wouldn't say so. What I was thinking of was garment labelling having to state waist and length for trousers for example and not having it up to the seller to decide how they want to label. And think of how useful accurate lengths and sizes a pair of bib shorts could be rather than a obscure S M L etc


It was pure coincidence that this weeks work visits did not take place till this afternoon and meant "passing" Sainsbury's on the return.
The panniers spared a heavy load tomorrow. Bang on time 2 pints of milk @ 90p so three bought as part of very heavy bag of shopping and another visit next week no doubt before the offer runs out.
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