Mundane News

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Legendary Member


When is Black Friday? Is it just one day, or several weeks? I would like to know so that I can avoid it.

The official date is the 1st Friday after thanks giving traditionally it's when big stores had sales to bring the balance sheets back into the black. After the thanks giving holidays.
I remember when it mostly went under the radar over here only a handful of US based companies did it. You very much had to be in the know and keep you eye out for it. It was and still is the only time Apple really as sale which before it came a massive thing. Had really big discounts which also applied to the discounts they do like NHS. Every big Apple buy we got then we waited for Black Friday. Our 1st iMac we saved over £600. I will be waiting to see what's around but thats only as I'm buying something anyway.
Sadly since everyone jumped on it Black Friday is now just a big watered down sale's gimmick.
The big one time only discounts have gone most price trackers show better deals around the rest of the year.


On Breakfast TV this morning they are showing a new machine which they claim can repair pot holes in roads .
There is some good news! In Dorchester Museum they have some fossilized dinosaur footprints! So going by that things will eventually get filled in .

The clowns here bought a machine to do the same job, It was going to fix the problem for good. They even claimed they'd sold the only other one to Saudi Arabia. Once the PR died down it was never seen again and we've now for years gone back. To Fred fills in the hole and his mate bashers it with a shovel.


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
grew up on a corner street w/ Sherwood Ave ... :becool:

And for me it was Sherwood Park Avenue, until I was about 5.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Bright sunny morning but cold at2C outside and forecast to be lower tomorrow before warming up again.
Not feeling too bright so not planning on doing much today but things may improve.
Need to sort out medication which would normally be done yesterday but need to change the system. The problem is that supplies keep changing size and shape as well as colour of pills so it is not safe to rely on memory.
Normally I have a week's supply set out in advance and sorted them into morning and night when needed. Now I think I am going to keep them in the original packets before use.
Off to get some soup on the go for lunch.


Legendary Member
Good morning from an overcast Suffolk although I'm sure it was sunny earlier when I got up for a pee.
I really to need to get myself going in the mornings as I've been awake for well over two hours but the first hour and a bit was spent just lying in bed listening to the radio and since then all I've done is make and drink a mug of coffee and do a bit of catching up with the news. Going back to work next Tuesday is going to be a bit of a shock.
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