Mundane News

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Itching to get back on my bike's
Kettle on


Itching to get back on my bike's
It is raining here .
I had to get up at 2.45. Georgie also wanted to go out so being a bit blurry eyed I followed him downstairs. Just before I let him out I told him not to bring any friends back .
He sort of heard me ! There was half a mouse on the kitchen floor .

So where's the other half gone , at least it won't be running around


Itching to get back on my bike's
Friday at last
First cuppa went down well
Sky is getting lighter but no blue bits yet.
Floor exercises completed and all went very well. Can't believe how well I've recovered as I could barely manage to get out of a chair at the weekend.

Now time to sit on my hot water bottle and watch another episode of Frost. Living this couch potato lifestyle is alien to me. I bought this Frost box set years ago in a charity shop and never got around to watching it before. I don't have a TV so I watch it on my laptop.

I like the episode where they end up at Elvington Airfield in Yorkshire.
I don't know if this should be here or the "trivial things that annoy you" tread. The new trousers I wore yesterday & today which, while being the correct size (long) and looking rather smart, had an annoying habit of riding up even higher than Rishi Sunak's every time I sat down. I'm sure that at one point on the train home the leg end was closer to my knee than my ankle.

You have got the latest Smart Trousers! I had heard that the government had given the go ahead for trials on public pavements. You seem to managed to get a pair before general release! :whistle:
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