Mundane News

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Back home after an early dinner in the pub and afternoon at the theatre.
Later walk with Charlie all done now :cuppa: and sandwich time.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Sunshine and heavy showers but mostly indoors today sorting and storing yesterday’s shopping.
Just as well I went yesterday as the road home was closed for a while after somebody went off road and hit a tree. One person off by air ambulance.
One report of location is after a long right hand bend near a hump. That covers most of the 21 miles so not much help.
No idea if persistence paid off or not with daily phone calls to OVO. The first one today got cut off by their employee but got a second one and I could understand 70% of what she said and she sounded sensible.
Result is a phone call from a well spoken Charlotte who may have been calling from a UK office.
My £12000 debit has turned into £300 credit and an admission that their meter reader was at fault.
There was a Morrison Data Services van parked near here a while ago but did not see anyone near my meter which is outside.


Legendary Member
Work completed. I had some of my vegetable soup with wheaten bread. Dishes washed.

I'll go out for my gentle walk now and do my exercises when I get back. I can definitely feel improvement each day.

Tomorrow, I must have proper tidy-up. I had swept the floors on Tuesday but only brushed the dirt into the corner as I was unable to bend down to use the dust pan and the hoover plug had some snagged on something in the bottom of the cupboard and I couldn't bend down to release it.


Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Sunshine and heavy showers but mostly indoors today sorting and storing yesterday’s shopping.
Just as well I went yesterday as the road home was closed for a while after somebody went off road and hit a tree. One person off by air ambulance.
One report of location is after a long right hand bend near a hump. That covers most of the 21 miles so not much help.
No idea if persistence paid off or not with daily phone calls to OVO. The first one today got cut off by their employee but got a second one and I could understand 70% of what she said and she sounded sensible.
Result is a phone call from a well spoken Charlotte who may have been calling from a UK office.
My £12000 debit has turned into £300 credit and an admission that their meter reader was at fault.
There was a Morrison Data Services van parked near here a while ago but did not see anyone near my meter which is outside.

I'm glad to hear that you got OVO sorted out! Stuff like that is worrying until it's sorted 👍


All at sea⛵
Meeting up with people today I've known for a while but not seen recently.
Yes, a funeral.

Is there a special store for food served at funerals?

Now sitting regreting sausage roll, pork pie and scotch egg.
Think the killer was a very rich chocolate cake.
Assume the Guinness is good for the digestion


Legendary Member
Walk completed. Now time to lie on the floor and do some stretching exercises.


Legendary Member
Floor exercises completed and all went very well. Can't believe how well I've recovered as I could barely manage to get out of a chair at the weekend.

Now time to sit on my hot water bottle and watch another episode of Frost. Living this couch potato lifestyle is alien to me. I bought this Frost box set years ago in a charity shop and never got around to watching it before. I don't have a TV so I watch it on my laptop.


Legendary Member
I don't know if this should be here or the "trivial things that annoy you" tread. The new trousers I wore yesterday & today which, while being the correct size (long) and looking rather smart, had an annoying habit of riding up even higher than Rishi Sunak's every time I sat down. I'm sure that at one point on the train home the leg end was closer to my knee than my ankle.
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