Mundane News

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All at sea⛵
I'm playing battery roulette at the moment

The software on my E-Bike no longer offers any intelligent estimate of remaining power. It is stuck at 45km and all 5 battery power lights remain illuminated
So I note the cumulative Kms and the km travelled and get anxious when we get beyond 40.

Today, cycling the 20km to home, I realised that I was in the 50s. The prospect of cycling or worse pushing this carthorse of a bike for maybe 15jkm to home was likely and frightening.
This was a country route, it was getting dark and cold. Then someone rang me wanting me to discuss a half arsed idea.
I'm afraid I will have to apologise after he got the full force of my touchy feely side.

Did get home though to a very welcome cup of The Earl


Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Mebbe only an Irish thing. I have never received one in Scotland.
Next vacc. due on 15th of November so I will wait with interest.

I didn't get one this autumn but I was told that it was added to my online records. My mother, however, was given one when I took her within the same health trust. As she's 91 and severely sight impaired, they may have decided that online records would be of very limited use to her.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Final track racing week of 2023 at Derby and I think I've won the league 4 trophy by winning the final race, with cramp.



Legendary Member
I've got some sort of muscle injury on my lower back, possibly caused by my glutes not being as strong as they should be. Been given an exercise sheet, told to do gentle walks, massage muscle rub into and use hot water bottles. I've another appointment next week to check for progress.

Told not to cycle 😔
Lovely luncheon of wholemeal toast with pate, an orange, an apple and two :cuppa:

An afternoon of lumberjilling. Filled the trailer with assorted bits. The light wasn't good, so it was easier to just bring in trimmed lengths rather than logs. Some of the wood is a bit wet, so I shall stack it along the fence to dry in the wind.

Made american-style pancakes for supper. Had them with butter & maple syrup.

Now I has a bit of a tired.


All at sea⛵
Made american-style pancakes for supper. Had them with butter & maple syrup.
Finally got a reasonable recipe.

Have a quantity of maple syrup that someone brought me from Latin America.
Crispy bacon and a decent coffee. Eggs, easy over top it off.
Finally got a reasonable recipe.

Have a quantity of maple syrup that someone brought me from Latin America.
Crispy bacon and a decent coffee. Eggs, easy over top it off.

200g flour
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
2 eggs
200ml milk (I like to add a generous tablespoon of soured cream to this)
2 tbsp sugar
pinch salt
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 tbsp vegetable oil

That's my batter. Makes 8 pancakes.

I like to put blueberries into the batter if I've got them.


Legendary Member
There are lots of sums to do. Have you had a survey done? The important factor is the amount of light the panels will receive, and no overhanging trees.

I was also advised to ask for netting to be placed around/under the panels. This stops birds getting under the panels, and making a racket. Fitting the net at the same time as the panels are fitted does not add much to the cost. To fit the netting retrospectively costs a small fortune.
East south east facing roof with no trees or shade, so even at this time of year the sun is on the roof from first thing to mid afternoon. The survey would be done after I've accepted the quote and paid a £150 deposit (refundable if the survey finds problems) and I have considered the netting, even though it's not included in the quote. This is being done through the local council Solar Together programme (£2000 cheaper than a quote for essentially the same kit from Octopus) and I've got until the 17th to make a decision. Proper thinking will be done after the next couple of days away although at the moment I'm edging towards spending some of my savings.


I have been busy on ebay again.i have three pair of jeans.A pair of walking outdoor trousers,two black and two pairs grey trousers but only one belt,which now has three extra holes due to losing weight.So i have bought two extra belts with good discount due to Black Friday deals.One was £9-99 down to £3-99.These belts are like the old Royal Mail belts a toothed buckle so no more holes.
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