Mundane News

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if you don't like the weather in New England, just wait a minute. 60s today they much colder w/ some snow Thursday morning. my nose is rebelling ...
Good morning. First cuppa going down.

I'm trying a new lighting effect in the apartment this morning.

You can imagine the excitement.

Screen Shot 2023-11-07 at 5.50.04 AM.png


Vice Admiral
Thanks for the info @Speicher , it's one of the things I'm factoring in to the overall costs.

There are lots of sums to do. Have you had a survey done? The important factor is the amount of light the panels will receive, and no overhanging trees.

I was also advised to ask for netting to be placed around/under the panels. This stops birds getting under the panels, and making a racket. Fitting the net at the same time as the panels are fitted does not add much to the cost. To fit the netting retrospectively costs a small fortune.
ahhh yes, school bullies ... I was larger than most, but I still had my run-ins ...

It's remarkable how long their legacy lasts as well.


I only got into one fight at school.i was beanpole skinny i shot up many inches it seemed overnight.One winter i wore my mums winter boots because my parents could not afford to buy good footwear.We were a bit poor.i often wore second hand clothing.i did not wear long trousers till second year at comprehensive i had an awful squint and nhs crappy glasses.So one kid always picked on me.Well even today i have a long fuse but then at the end wham it goes this lad just went too far.I knocked him down and sat on him i pinned his arms to the side of him sat on his chest and knocked shoot out of his head,i lost it screaming at him.two teachers had to be called to pull me off.Later that week his mother called at the school to complain,nothing happened.but i was sent to the Heads office i sat outside on a chair i was so nervous i threw up outside his door,again nothing happened i did not even see the head and i was not told off for being sick.nobody ever troubled me again during school.
Cool, bright and mostly sunny here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept really well after yesterday's exertions. Actually overslept. Whoops! Spent the morning drinking :cuppa: and working on my archive, continuing to catalogue FF1600 photos. When you file them chronologically in the *same place* without the clutter of other stuff like race reports and programmes, it's far easier to catch the subtle changes in livery on the car throughout the year, which means that it's then possible to (at least) approximately place some of the pictures that I know far less about.

This afternoon will be spent lumberjilling - this time for firewood as opposed to dealing with storm damage. With heavy rain coming in tomorrow, I'm going to take the opportunity to fill up a trailer before it all gets wet again. Hopefully the best part of three days of sun and wind will have dried stuff out enough - will be good to get another load under cover.

It is almost, but not quite, time for luncheon.
ahhh yes, school bullies ... I was larger than most, but I still had my run-ins ...

I was the smallest kid in my class and English was only my third language, so plenty of fertile ground for those wanting to take the p*ss. Never mind that I was a bookish nerd with a passion for motor racing.

It was a girls school as well, and my experience is that girls can be far more cruel then boys. The staff largely stood back and let the bullying happen because the girls that did it were the daughters of some fairly well-known public figures. And then the head had the temerity to try and send *me* to a shrink because I wasn't making friends...

I never recovered the majority of my scrapbook, so I had to start largely from scratch again. I've only got a small handful of the original newspaper and magazine clippings left.

Suppose it was my fault for taking the scrapbook in to illustrate a talk I had elected to do on motor racing safety in a class on public speaking. Funny that they left the other stuff I'd taken in well alone...


Vice Admiral
When I was at school in India, for about four years, I was the only European girl in the school. That was two different schools for two years, Hyderabad and Kanpur.

Then in Saudi Arabia, I attended a school on an American Air Base. In a class of twenty there was a boy from Brazil and me as the only "non-Americans" (not sure if that is the right terminology).

I was not bullied or anything remotely like it at either of those schools. Teased yes, because I could not play basketball, and I did not like peanut butter with jelly sandwiches, but that was just playground teasing.

Back in the UK, I had a deep tan, an admittedly weird accent, a lilting Indian voice with American and some German pronounciation thrown in for good measure. Plus I had not seen rain for about seven years. Cue loads of bullying and nasty behaviour. :sad:
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