Mundane News

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Another bunch of lumberjilling done on a big damaged ash tree. The dead wood has been stashed in the garage, the green wood has been stacked along the fence.

Now sat back with a nice :cuppa:
I've just received an email with my covid vaccination certificate. I didn't realise they were still a thing. Nobody has ever asked me for any of the previous ones.

We had an A6 sized version with QR code which could be read by an app on our phone: you had to produce it if you wanted to enter most shops (but not food shops as I recall) or get on public transport. At one point we had to check ID as well to make sure no-one was giving their certificate to someone else.
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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
I cannot stay indoors all day so tried for a walk but rain started pouring down so had to abandon that idea.

Stressful afternoon trying to sort out OVO as they want to charge me about £12000 for heating in the last month.
Call centre has the usual staff with impenetrable accents but eventually got one who was understandable.
It would appear [ tho' he would not openly admit this] that they employed a meter reader who entered nonsense figures thus causing massive discrepancies when I entered the current readings into their website. Strangely a neighbour had the same problem possibly caused by the same reader. He complained on the local FB page and it seems others had similar problems. Many had switched already and some were contemplating doing the same.
The guy I spoke with latterly did seem sensible so a photo of the actual meters sent off and hope for a speedy resolution.


Legendary Member
Mebbe only an Irish thing. I have never received one in Scotland.
Next vacc. due on 15th of November so I will wait with interest.

We had an A6 sized version with QR code which could be read by an app on our phone: you had to produce it if you wanted to enter most shops (but not food shops as I recall) or get on public transport. At one point we had to check ID as well to make sure no-one was giving their certificate to someone else.

The vaccine certificate was a big fuss when the vaccine came out first and we were told we would need it to enter pubs, nightclubs, theatres, etc and would need it to go on holidays abroad. There were emails floating around at work hinting that anyone who didn't have proof of vaccination would have to continue working from home and not be allowed in the office.

I admit I haven't really been abroad, apart from the Isle of Islay, but I've done all the other things and nobody ever asked for it. I thought it was one of those ideas that died quietly, to be be forgotten in the mists of time. Hence the surprise when I got a new one emailed to me.

Nice to know the government is keeping us safe and the civil service are being productive, using my tax money wisely and justifying their wages!


Legendary Member
There's a spanner symbol on the top corner of my mobile bit it's not obvious what it is trying to tell me.


Legendary Member
I went to a tribute night to a much-loved musician who died recently with a friend. Very enjoyable evening.

Several things tell me I am getting old. I never realised how low a Ford Focus is before, it's suddenly difficult to get back of it in my current condition.

Also when getting ready, the most important thing to have in my pocket was not things like money or a condom just incase. It was my tube of Deep Heat.:cry:
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