Mundane News

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Been a cool and soggy day here chez Casa Reynard.

Slept well - and slept in, and indulgently only woke up after midday. I've had a quiet day doing largely not a lot beyond listening / watching various sports and furkling through some Autosports.

Last night's photo cataloguing has thrown up some questions that needed answering (namely photos that don't belong to any of the races in my results lists), but so far I've not managed to do that. I need the calendars for both the ESSO and Townsend Thoresen Senior FF1600 championships for 1986 and can't find them.

Now sat with a :cuppa: and a Min Spy and listening to the first half of Newcastle v Arsenal.
Morning it is raining here.

Did anyone on here ever own an Emmelle bike ? I'm just curious as to what they were like . I never wanted one as the name put me off !

The company should have got its money back from whatever marketing company they used that suggested that name !

Emmelle Empstead! :angry:

Yes, me! I had a red Leopard 10 mountain bike that I got second hand when I was in my late teens. Apparently I was supposed to "grow into it" but it's always been that little bit too big, so stopping could be a tad painful if I got it wrong.

Well, I still have it, although it's largely been stripped down to a bare frame. I now use it for practicing various maintenance tasks before doing them on my "good" bikes.


After yesterday's nice dry weather much of which was spent catching up and house work and getting 2 loads of washing done.
Unexpectedly having to sort out the car which developed a fault and a early morning dash to buy some oil. Boy has that gone up in price.
Meaning Mrs 73 missed out on visiting her very close friend.
Today has been one round of wet weather on off for most of it. So a mixed day of making most of the dry bits and going the last few jobs
round the house in the wet bits. just managed a nice quick walk round the block. Now having :cuppa: and waiting for Mrs 73 to get back from work. Then it's toasted fruit teacake time.
Got a cheeky 4 hour short rib of beef on the go. Some buttery mash and a couple of peas and that's our 5 a month sorted :laugh:

Here it is ...



Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Dry day but overcast with virtually no wind.
Library day and the librarian got some books out for me which she thought I would like. I do like books by Terry Pratchett but having taken them without a close look I discover they are from his teenage range.
I will keep them for a couple of weeks and return them with no comment.
Otherwise a lazy day recovering from recent overdoing things. Must break the habit of having an afternoon snooze. If away from home on a day trip to Oban for example it is not very convenient and being asleep in the car could lead to a missed ferry.

There was a car boot sale advertised but could not be bothered as it is 20 miles away. I do have rather a lot of stuff I would like to get rid of but would rather not not give away. Cannot be bothered advertising it as too many time wasters I do not have patience to deal with at home.
Those I particularly hate are the ones who make a definite appointment and never turn up.


Leg End Member
Thank you both for that explanation. I thought he was deluded, and you have explained why.

I finished Chemo about five days before lock down, when the hospitals were starting to be over-loaded. It made me think that if someone had to "choose" between my survival (62 years old) and that of someone younger, fitter and with a young family, I can imagine what they would decide.

In reality it would never be that simple, there might be ten patients and only seven beds with all the clinical equipment.
Refused a "cosmetic"(hole found in the upper jaw during an MRI of the brain) as it wasn't visible or in immediate danger, two weeks before lockdown. I felt the surgeons expertise, and the hospital bed would be needed elsewhere in the very near future.
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