Mundane News

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Cake or ice cream? The choice is endless ...
Sun's shining.. Time to walk the dog 🐶
It looks like it's going to be a nice sunny day .
Georgie has been a naughty boy again ! I told him last night not to bring any friends home ! This morning when I went down to make hot drinks I checked to see if there was anything in my slippers . There wasn't ! I turned round to go to the kettle and there on the floor was a dead playmate! In exactly the same place as yesterday's! Same size , colour and model , the same as the live one we caught but these fresh ones were dead!
I feel the need to get some petrol and try to see if that lawnmower will run ! It is bugging me !
I didn't do anything yesterday apart from sleep as it was raining and I have a stinking head cold . I was a danger ! My brain wasn't thinking properly and I would have made a complete mess if I tried to do anything thing! I am still bunged up but don't feel too incompetent! I may even have a go at putting some plaster around that electrical socket.


Legendary Member
Watched Bodies on Netflix.Most confusing. But then I’m easily confused 😐

I loved it, but yes it was hard to get your head round it at times. :laugh:


Legendary Member
Hello from Silverstone - made it for the 2nd half of the first race.

Woke up just after half four this morning and couldn't get back to sleep so had a cuppa, a bowl of porridge and headed out. Typical Suffolk damp & drizzly start, but out here in Northamptonshire/Buckinghamshire it's a clear sunny and cold morning.
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