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Itching to get back on my bike's
Still raining
Breakfast has been consumed

Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
The Wars of the Roses & The Civil Wars are all part of the same 'disagreements', I believe.

I always think of the Civil War as having to do with Cromwell and the establishment of the "republic" and the War of the Roses over royal succession claims between the houses of Plantagenet York, and Lancaster, although those were referred to as the Civil Wars as well. The Civil War I was given to believe was far more about religious belief and practice, and got our butts thrown out of Ireland and sent to the new world, where we just kept on raising horses.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Off to the theatre in Leeds to see The King & I. Or rather SWMBO is going and I'm driving/feeding her, with lunch out. It's wet.


A question for @tom73 and Mrs tom73.

Please note I do not want to get into politics on this. I was shocked (understatement) to hear that a Politician thought he should be the one to "tirage" Covid patients in 2020. (Yes I have been watching the televised Inquiry).

Was he deluded? Are Consultants and Doctors in a better position to make those decisions?
It's taken a few days to work though just what's come to light and to talk things though on the home front.
The simple reply is yes he is, @DCLane is right about very idea of an unqualified minister who basically is just a man of the street. Thinking it's even possible show's all you need to know. Think about this way clinicians have to do this every day, they are trained to do it. They don't like it but it's part of the job. Mrs 73 has been part of discussions many times and It's a horrible thing to do at the best of times.
All deaths even quiet natural ones leave you with a sense of guilt.
But covid ones as Mrs 73 puts it the guilt is different as they had nothing to help them. But it's made worse as many cases it was avoidable. One example Mrs 73 had 5 in a day all preventable if simple prevention had been in place.
Now ask yourself this ,why would anyone volunteer to put themselves in that position ? Frankly it's macabre.
The only way it could be done is using social worth and the dark side of history show's what happens.
It's tragic that HCP's in some counties got to a point of it being the only option left. So the idea of even thinking you'd workout how it's done and then make it happen is even more twisted.
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Vice Admiral
It's taken a few days to work though just what's come to light and to talk things though on the home front.
The simple reply is yes he is, @DCLane is right about very idea of an unqualified minister who basically is just a man of the street. Thinking it's even possible show's all you need to know. Think about this way clinicians have to do this every day, they are trained to do it. They don't like it but it's part of the job. Mrs 73 has been part of discussions many times and It's a horrible thing to do at the best of times.
All deaths even quiet natural ones leave you with a sense of guilt.
But covid ones as Mrs 73 puts it the guilt is different as they had nothing to help them. But it's made worse as many cases it was avoidable. One example Mrs 73 had 5 in a day all preventable if simple prevention had been in place.
Now ask yourself this ,why would anyone volunteer to put themselves in that position ? Facially it's macabre
The only way it could be done is using social worth and the dark side of history show's what happens.
It's tragic that HCP's in some counties got to a point of it being the only option left. So the idea of even thinking you'd workout how it's done and then make it happen is even more twisted.

Thank you both for that explanation. I thought he was deluded, and you have explained why.

I finished Chemo about five days before lock down, when the hospitals were starting to be over-loaded. It made me think that if someone had to "choose" between my survival (62 years old) and that of someone younger, fitter and with a young family, I can imagine what they would decide.

In reality it would never be that simple, there might be ten patients and only seven beds with all the clinical equipment.
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