Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Morning it is raining here.

Did anyone on here ever own an Emmelle bike ? I'm just curious as to what they were like . I never wanted one as the name put me off !

The company should have got its money back from whatever marketing company they used that suggested that name !

Emmelle Empstead! :angry:
In my teens I had an Emmelle mountain bike with 24 gears - unusually with a quadruple chainring up front and 6 at the back. If memory serves it was purple.


Legendary Member
@Jenkins if you're heading to Silverstone this weekend, the A43 is closed both ways ftom J15a to the A5 at Towcester.
Not again!

Many thanks for the warning, the normal division would be via Milton Keynes, but the Black Cat roundabout on the A1 is also being worked on so it could be a long day.


Leg End Member
Many a day spent on the bog with one of those, back in the day before the machines moved in on the job.

Thought this might interest you!
Lot 1208


Grumblin at Garmin on the Granny Gear
This morning, being a Saturday, I decided I'd treat Cassie to a long walk.

The footpaths were slightly muddier than usual & I detoured from the path a bit in the cow field. When I came to the bridge over the mill stream it was flowing really fast & high underneath, but then I turned off the bridge & discovered the stream had broken its banks & the newly laid path was under water. It grew steadily worse, topping my walking boots, until I reached the steps up from it. Cassie, who isn't a fan of puddles, wasn't happy. The stream had spread across the next bridge, so I decided on taking the steps up onto the old railway.

And I see from the radar we can expect more rain


A couple of hours playing with the new tv and discovered a shotcut menu accessed by long holding a number that has not had a shortcut allocated to it (um.. what if all have been). 1 to 5 had already been auto-allocated to Iplayer etc, so put Freesat BBC1HD (Yorks) on 6 and Freeview BBC1HD (NE & Cumbria) on 7 and a long hold of 6 or 7 will now flip between Freesat & Freeview, somewhat quicker than the 19 step alternative even if automated.
I've got a head cold !
I'm going to have another nap . It's the safest thing to do.
According to a renanctor who specialised in that period of history, it was originally known as 'The War of the Cousins'. :whistle:
As with the Black Death; it was known as 'The Great Death' until Victorian dramatistic writers got hold of it - ! ^_^

And up here the English Civil War gets lumped in with the War of the Three Kingdoms. Basically Charles I.


Thank you both for that explanation. I thought he was deluded, and you have explained why.

I finished Chemo about five days before lock down, when the hospitals were starting to be over-loaded. It made me think that if someone had to "choose" between my survival (62 years old) and that of someone younger, fitter and with a young family, I can imagine what they would decide.

In reality it would never be that simple, there might be ten patients and only seven beds with all the clinical equipment.

Another factor to remember not everyone who is offered ICU bed will take it. A number of stories during covid of people willing to say no so others with a better chance may live. I know of one such case.
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