Mundane News

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Itching to get back on my bike's
I went to get up earlier and do some miles but weather forecast on the phone showed 90% chance of rain starting between 7 and 8 so got back into bed .
Morning it is raining here.

Did anyone on here ever own an Emmelle bike ? I'm just curious as to what they were like . I never wanted one as the name put me off !

The company should have got its money back from whatever marketing company they used that suggested that name !

Emmelle Empstead! :angry:
It was the initials of the company behind the brand, Moore Large. They sponsored a domestic pro team for the Kelloggs criteriums etc. Looking at pro cycling stats, it had some good riders…


Leg End Member
Morning it is raining here.

Did anyone on here ever own an Emmelle bike ? I'm just curious as to what they were like . I never wanted one as the name put me off !

The company should have got its money back from whatever marketing company they used that suggested that name !

Emmelle Empstead! :angry:
Weren't it a play on the the initials of the company that owned them Moore and Large?


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
That's not a spanner!

I've one in the shed.

Very like the ones used for cutting peats.


Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Another dry day in prospect by the looks of things and not much wind.
Wind strength and direction play a big part in our lives here.
Pleasant when I was out earlier checking the electricity meters. I notice the standard consumption has risen a bit probably due to having to put lights on earlier. Some days I have to put a reading lamp on by four o'clock to see properly and while I turn off lights not needed some are on till bedtime.


Legendary Member
A very misty start. Back still sore. It's fine once I get moving but getting out of bed was interesting.

Breakfast consumed.

I will be getting my flu jab at 10:30 in the local pharmacy. My company has always offered to pay for it but the email hasn't been sent out this year. I will keep the cash receipt anyway and maybe try to submit it!
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