Mundane News

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Gravity Aided

Legendary Member
Land of Lincoln
Back from a pleasant 4 mile walk around Delapre Abbey grounds (a Civil War battle site (10th July 1460)) followed by a little snooze on the settee 😊

May have been War of the Roses.


Leg End Member
A spade is the one for digging holes in the garden, a shovel is used to take coal from a heap and put it into a bucket so's it can get fed to the heating. Namely one's for cutting and the other is for scooping.
A spade cuts into soil etc while a shovel with its curved carrying form is for moving material.
Trenching Shovel!


Leg End Member
Trust you to throw a spanner in the works! :laugh:

OTOH, how many people actually *have* one of those? :scratch: Cos I don't...
That's not a spanner!

I've one in the shed.
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