Mundane News

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Legendary Member
Isle of Mull
Been dry all day but still cold. Cold indoors as well so I will need to go and put on my calor booster to bring the temp up a bit.
Went for a walk but nothing else of note achieved.
My landline phone has gone so crackly it is more or less unusable. Realistically I should get rid of it but never get round to it. Bypassed the BT call centre by asking an Openreach guy who lives nearby about the crackling but he is off to Tiree next week so cannot check it until he gets back. Apparently the contacts in the local box are aluminium and corrode so contact is bad until cleaned.
Not urgent anyway.
As usual Calmac are mucking around with the timetable to miss out the late night ferry on a Friday. It used to be very busy in the distant past but I never travel at that time nowadays.


the local Bakery,
Our local bakery is excellent. Only today bought three apple and mincemeat pies; a variation they're trying out, on a whim - ! :laugh:
Cracking - ! :okay:


Legendary Member
Managed a dry 20 miles this afternoon, first time I’ve been able to for several days. Fingers crossed tomorrow morning is looking dry too.
Apropos the new series of Shetland, not impressed. They seem to have superimposed an ultra violent gangster flick on the gentler characters and places that we love from before. And much as I enjoyed Phyllis Logan’s gangster matriarch character in Guilt, its a bit of a bore to find her reprising the same here. Such a shame.

I wasn’t impressed with the first episode.We’ll see.


Found in the Yorkshire hills ...
Ditto re. Shetland. I wonder if they've got a new writing team.


Legendary Member
It was a nice evening in between the showers. My back is still sore. Okay when I'm walking around but getting out of a chair hurts.

I went for a walk on beach. Oddly enough, the seat in the car is most supportive on my back.

I'm sitting with a hot water bottle now to see if that helps but I suppose I'll have to see the chiropractor.


Leg End Member
Works both ways. Blokes are equally good at fannying around - my late and unlamented father for one.

Me? I'm the kind of a girl who calls a spade a spade.
Which is correct?
Shovel - Spade.jpg

Spade - Shovel.jpg
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